Okay, I just made a bunch of tests.
1) I converted an .MTS file to an .AVI with the Lagarith codec. Then I imported that into AE. When I RAM Previewed it, I did not get the jump from frame to frame thing.
2) I also imported the same video file, only an .MTS version and RAM Previewed that. Again, I did not have the problem I have been having.
3) I made a new Premiere Pro Sequence and imported the same .MTS file I had been using. Then I went to AE and imported that Premiere Pro project (trying to go through the steps that got me to the problem in the first place), and tried RAM previewing that. Again, I did not have the problem I had been getting.
So I obviously cannot re-create my issue. But the issue is still there in my other AE project. If I open up my AE Project that I had the problem with in the first place, I still get the jumpy frame issue when I preview it!
I even tried creating a new AE project (willing to re-color grade all my footage), hoping that the problem would not be there. But when I create the new AE project and import my Premiere Pro project, the issue is still there.
Is there something wrong with my Premiere pro project? When I play my premiere pro project without it going to AE it works fine, no issue. But when I import it into AE the issue is there!
It has to be the Premiere Pro Project or the sequences in that project. Since, like I said above in test number 3: " I made a new Premiere Pro Sequence. Then I went to AE and imported that Premiere Pro sequence, RAM previewed that. And I did not have the problem."
What is going on? Will re-editing my entire project in a whole new Premiere Pro project fix my issue? What if it doesn't, and this happens again? How do I fix this?
I really appreciate your help. I'm glad there is a place to go when I have a problem with Adobe Programs. I would never be able to figure this out by myself. Thanks!