Re: Calculating a due date in Adobe XI using Java script....
Here are attempts (really just me screwing around since set date and get date don't seem to work)...any new suggestions..?
View ArticleRe: how do you protect images when uploading from web
What web site are you uploading to? Some web sites allow you to set an option to prevent downloading, although that doesn't prevent screen captures. In general, just about anything you put on the web...
View ArticleRe: %100 width object not working
Thank you very much for your time Zak. I've updated the image in it's broken state here.
View ArticleRe: Why don't some users have option File>SharePoint/Office 365 Server>Check In?
Anoop's answer fixed it for us. I think some of us had "broken" versions of Acrobat. Re-installing/upgrading fixed the problem. We don't use the SharePoint 2010 Workflow feature, so I don't know if we...
View ArticleRe: Some files on the server may be missing or incorrect. Clear browser cache...
What browser and browser version are you using to view the page? How are you connected to the internet? Is it through a cellular data network? FWIW, this page doesn't display any error dialog when I...
View ArticleRe: Widgets don't work under IE v.9 in Windows Vista?
Yes, there is actually a gradient fill in there.
View ArticleRe: Creative cloud wants to make changes
Dear All,I think that we're ignoring what the message box is telling us…"Administrator rights are required to complete Adobe Add-ons installation or removal." I'm not exactly sure what the "add ons"...
View ArticleRe: lightroom data base files previews
David, Thank you for providing some useful info. Those screenshots I was talking about would also be helpful, as would the other information I asked for. I mean, it's possible somebody will come along...
View ArticleRe: Form field issues / bugs
I want to add one more issue which is: 5. There's no way to enter placeholder text into a text field that disappears when you click into it. An easy fix for this would be to just allow the Value to be...
View ArticleRe: Why is the Flash Player Installer freezing?
Here you go. I can't attach a file, so I'm just pasting everything here.Meanwhile I'll just do the other instal option you mentioned.Thanks 2013-04-17 19:16:59 +0000 ---------- log start...
View ArticleRe: Is there an adobe lightroom helpine I can call….I cannot find the answer...
Have you actually asked your question you are trying to find an answer to? I don't know the support telephone number. But from what I have heard, you'll probably get better help here if you ask your...
View ArticleRe: Can someone please explain how to do this?
One way would be to create a pixel mask for a layer that's got white glyphs on a gray background. Then the background would be partially transparent while the text glyphs would be fully opaque....
View ArticleRe: After Effects Lossless AVI Export Problems
SzalamOkay, I just made a bunch of tests. 1) I converted an .MTS file to an .AVI with the Lagarith codec. Then I imported that into AE. When I RAM Previewed it, I did not get the jump from frame to...
View Articledefault 2 pixel image margin
Can anyone tell me why I'm getting a default 2 pixel margin on my images? I have a graphic that I sliced into 6 images - but they don't line up unless I add a -2 margin.
View ArticleRe: Closed Captions Not Working
Premiere Pro embeds one stream to XML sidecar -- it prioritizes 608 over 708, so 608 will override 708 In PPRO you can embed 608 and 708 streams simultaneously -- embedding to MXF files In PPRO you can...
View ArticleRe: Re: Path to Photoshop Plugins/Panels Assets Folder
Yes, I have one file that is open. It is a file that the file that the extension file layer is suppose to be placed in, but I want to have the close without saving incase the user duplicates the layer...
View ArticleRe: Adobe Muse - Preview Failed
Have you verified Muse is enabled to access the internet in McAFee? (By default it may block all programs that aren't browsers.)
View ArticleRe: ColdFusion Builder 3 Settings Reset on Restart
Are your CFB3 and CF10 on same virtual machine?
View ArticleRe: I am unable to save a PDF using "create from scanner" on my iMAC.
Let me see if I can clear up the confusion a little bit. When I installed the Trial version, it did not work at first. After researching online, I found there were updates which needed to be installed...
View ArticleRe: HELP! Can someone please confirm this new Insert Edit bug in CC2014?
I filed a bug report, modified to Jerry's finding (which matches mine). These are fundamentally the same as Pierre's.The Source and Program monitors are in the same frame. (e.g. select the Assembly...
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