thank your very much. Sorry I forgot the specifications.
I shot the pictures via capture one and a leaf aptus II 7 Camera. I used to use Bridge to open the files in camera raw
either to export it directly from there or to open it with photoshop.
Now I get the message that Photoshop and Camera Raw are not able to open my file and that I should check for the latest versions
and that I should study the list of extensions and cameras for their compatibility.
I do have all teh latest versions.
Im using a
MAC 2.5 GHz Intel Core i5, 16 GB DDR3 Ram
Capture One 7.2.2
Photoshop 14.2.1. x64
I cannot open Camera Raw separately. And Im pretty shure that it has something to do with switshing the MACs.
Do I have to install Camera RAW separately or confirm my ID which I had to do for Bridge and Photoshop.
Thank you very much for your help