Re: trying to download creative cloud
Hi Jeff, Got no poblem of Internet connection. A friend of mine has successfully installed Adobe CC on his laptop using my Internet connection. Please, read the logfile uploaded above to identify my...
View ArticleRe: Text wrap bottom offset-by script
Hi Hasvi, If the answer is correct then mark the answer as correct and close the thread. Regards,Chinna
View ArticleRe: Encore Access Denied error on dual Layer
The solution worked perfectly for me on Windows 8.1 (64-bit) Adobe Encore CS5..
View ArticleRe: Lentitud con PS
Tambíen puedes "diagnosticar" tu equipo con programas que chequean la memoria o intentan identificar la causa de un cuelgue BSOD, como Memtest y Whocrashed respectivamente. Puedes ver si al aparecer el...
View ArticleDid you know that Captivate 8 takes virtually all of the work out of creating...
I just saw the Adobe Blog article about Captivate 8 and the statement that Cp8 is an " authoring tool that takes virtually all of the work out of creating responsive courses online"....
View ArticleRe: Flash player is not working on my mac.
I really don't know much about VPN; I usually use my own IP Address to access the internet. I've uninstalled my flash player then installed it back again, but version 12. I still couldn't play any...
View Article"This project contained a sequence that could not be opened. No sequence...
Ive been working on this skate video for months and have only used the auto save after naming it. but now it gives me this code I have not seen in my limited experience on Pr.
View ArticleHow do I get past step 2 of 3 to install flash
I do not get the File download box. Help just sends me back to the beginning with same result. I need to break this loop.
View ArticleRe: LR5 says catalog is empty. Please Help!
Possibly you have more than one catalog or have started a new catalog by accident. From the Library menu try:File >> Open RecentOr double click on the *.lrcat file to launch.
View ArticleRe: Photoshop/Camera Raw does not open mos-files
thank your very much. Sorry I forgot the specifications. I shot the pictures via capture one and a leaf aptus II 7 Camera. I used to use Bridge to open the files in camera raw either to export it...
View ArticleRe: Classic 'Flatten PDF' question
They did. You can flatten a form with Acrobat and even apply a security policy for extra protection.
View ArticleRe: Photoshop/Camera Raw does not open mos-files
thank your very much. Sorry I forgot the specifications. I shot the pictures via capture one and a leaf aptus II 7 Camera. I used to use Bridge to open the files in camera raw either to export it...
View ArticleRe: How do I make consecutive question and answer pages auto-numbered in...
I think it is too erratic when it comes to changes after applying this script and I think it is to complicated for many users.
View ArticleRe: How do I do the spell check? It does is only one page on Adobe Acrobat XI...
The built-in spell-checker only works on things like form fields and comments, not on the actual text of the file.For that you would need a script.
View ArticleRe: AE wont let me download the trial. I get an error message saying try again.
Without proper system information nobody can know. this sounds like you either have a conflict with already installed shared components or simply run out of (temporary) disk space during install. As a...
View ArticleRe: PDFs not printing
Hello,I have the same problem like johannesbeedyMy installed Version is 11.0.07.I have seen the printer queue the printerjob is not there. When I start an PDF from the Internet explorer it is the same...
View ArticleRe: Why does lightroom have a hard time recogonizing iphoto when I would like...
From finder you need to be in Pictures (not the application) and control-click on iPhoto Library. iPhoto will have created duplicates and hidden your originals. LR has no face recognition built in. You...
View ArticleRe: How do I make consecutive question and answer pages auto-numbered in...
One document for each pair of Q&A. One document for all pairs of Q&A in one chapter.Each document will have an automatic chapter number. In InDesign one document can contain only a Chapter in...
View ArticleRe: Sign up for the NEW Adobe Exchange
Jonathan Fernandes, The new site is beautiful.Few remarks:Could you bring back the option to download the ZXP / ZIP file uploaded manually?Some users prefer that.Will you allow "Real Links", people...
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