For Premiere Elements 11 and 12, you cannot change its default project preset from NTSC AVCHD Full HD1080i30 or its PAL counterpart PAL AVCHD Full HD1080i25 to something else.
For each project, you can set the project preset manually if you do not want the program to take over setting the project preset based
on the properties of the first drag to the Timeline.
To set the project preset manually, open the project to the Expert workspace, go to File Menu/New/Project and Change Settings.
In the Change Settings area, change the project preset. Before you exit that area, be sure to have a check mark next to "Force Selected Project Setting on This Project" in the new project dialog.
Then you import your source media, using the appropriate Add Media choice.
If you want a version of Premiere Elements that uses the default project preset of NTSC DV Standard or its PAL counterpart PAL DV Standard, then you need to look to a version of Premiere Elements earlier than 11.
Please let me know if you have any further questions on this or need clarification.
Thank you.