Re: What Does "The importer reported a genetic error" mean?
The only thing in the Premiere Elements 11 “11” folder is a “Trace Database.txt” file. It has the following contents. ASL.ResourceUtils.GetLanguageIDFromRegistry 1 5...
View ArticleAfter I updated to Photoshop CC2014, I still have installed in my lapto...
After I updated to Photoshop CC2014, I still have installed in my lapto Photshop CC and Photoshop cc 64 bit. Shoul I uninstall these versions?\
View Articlesuddenly turn off when I open the premiere pro cc 2014
when I open the program just he let me chose the project and after that directly turn off itself. any Help???????? important 12 G DD Rami71G display card
View ArticleRe: Need a 64 bit Intel version of Adobe Flash Player?
Not the one for Adobe Flash Player 14 that I use according to my computer. That one doesn't even load up and it says that the application isn't responding. Also the one you can get for the Mac OSx...
View ArticleRe: prints coming out cropped and off-centered
Keep an real close eye on the template you select as it will save the specifics of your page setup. If those settings are off, the template will just keep doing it. Everything you do to setup a print...
View ArticleRe: Error: Internal error: 403 Forbidden operation. (115008)
Hello Vikas, I am publishing to: Since the last publish, I have consolidated some of the multiple forms that were appearing on one page. I haven't...
View ArticleCreate PDF form sancer show "IsCapAllowed"
Why I use create PDF form sancer, my Adobe Pro XI will show "IsCapAllowed", and then show "Runtime Error!" and termination, please support.
View ArticleRe: Can't register Adobe Captivate 8 under my ID / Need to unexpire a Trial...
Hi Lawrence, The Captivate source project file (.cptx) will never expire. If you had Captivate 8 trial earlier and you created a project on that machine and published the output, then output will...
View ArticleCreate PDF form sancer show "IsCapAllowed"
Why I use create PDF form sancer, my Adobe Pro XI will show "IsCapAllowed", and then show "Runtime Error!" and termination, please support.
View ArticleRe: Register for multiple events at the same time?
I believe many of the most popular and useful apps will simply be time and money savers. It's obvious that this can already be done in BC, or I wouldn't be able to build an app for it. This kind of...
View ArticleRe: Complete list of Programs? (Student Package)
Thanks for the quick response. Just to be clear, the link you posted shows all the programs included in the student package? Trying not to be weary, but it just doesn't seem to plainly say it comes...
View ArticleRe: I'm using Premiere Elements 11, which automatically opens in a project...
scottypet For Premiere Elements 11 and 12, you cannot change its default project preset from NTSC AVCHD Full HD1080i30 or its PAL counterpart PAL AVCHD Full HD1080i25 to something else. For each...
View ArticleRe: Permenant Glitch: Double clicking the hand tool doesn't 'fit to screen'....
Can anyone tell me where you can customize what happens when you double click on a tool? I could fix it there.
View ArticleRe: Can't install DPS tools for CC 14?
I work at a medium sized business, we don't have an IT department. Our developer looks after any IT issues and he can't figure out what is going on as when he installed the tools on his machine it...
View ArticleWhat's the best video card for both Premiere and AE on an iMac?
I remember seeing that one card works great with Premiere but then AE doesn't like it as much for 3D. I have Premiere CC but only CS5 for AE. I might subscribe to AE CC if it's worth it.
View ArticleCSS Error While Uploading Muse Site to FTP
I'm uploading my complete site to GoDaddy, and I get an error message during the upload "CSS Error" - How do I find the error and correct it?
View ArticleI love the graduated filter and circular filter tools.
So useful. Both would be MUCH more useful if I could hold Alt and I would get a brush tool with to brush away effect in areas where I don't want it applied! Does that exist or am I dreaming?
View ArticleRe: I want to have neon colours, but illustrator always adjusts without me...
Aside from the RGB thing, because this is for the web, you can consider using Pantone Neon colors. Just ain't gonna print nice unless it goes to any number of 6,8,10,12-head inkjets. Or, of course, to...
View ArticleRe: Complete list of Programs? (Student Package)
The student version has all the product of CC, you can check in Adobe Creative Cloud for students and teachers | Adobe, one CC entitles you to activate in two times. Regards Rajshree
View ArticleRe: Cannot delete rejected photos
Yup, you're not alone, it's been reported in the past, I've seen it too. There's an invisible folder called .Trashes and if you make it visible and delete it, that seems to fix the issue (for awhile)....
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