I have used Premiere Elements 8.0, 9.0, 10.0, and now 12.0 ... And am so tired of this persistent problem in ALL of them! I am running a PC Windows 7 64 bit with 16 gb's of ram. The camera being used to record videos is a Sony DCR VX2000 and it creates VOB files. Since I first purchased Adobe Premiere Elements, I've never, and I mean NEVER have gotten the Audio and Video to sync on any computer I've used, I've just had so many projects that I've dicked around unblinking the two and moving the audio to fit, I should have never invested in this product after the first didn't work.
Ive read, printed out, and tried every supposed suggestion and fix out there. None has worked ... I've:
- downloaded vobmerge and merged the 3 vobs into 1
- took the vobs right off the DVD via premiere elements
- copied the vobs straight from the DVD onto my computer, then imported them
- used the command prompt merge technique
- rendered the whole file till the line is green
- converted vobs to all available formats, from mp4, avi, mov, etc
- dinked around with every possible video configuration within premiere elements to match camera settings
it was my understanding that in 11.0 and 12.0 that simply importing the file changed all of the necessary video settings. The first couple of minutes of video and audio play in sync perfectly, but then it just goes awry. I have played these vobs, merged and unmerged from start to finish in VLC player, windows media player and iTunes with no problems whatsoever ... Something is wrong with premiere, and it's on every freaking video I have ... Can you please help me?