Re: Photoshop CC won't start
sorry, i've been having this problem with photoshop cs 5 and with photoshop cc trial version. iv'e tried this last thing that apparently work (and others) buy i can't get it to initialize. i don't know...
View ArticleRe: How to set dropdown list Weight?
Hi John, Replace all 5 lines where you add dropdownlist with: //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------...
View ArticleRe: bugs in BC CRM web service need to be fix (Server was unable to process...
Yes the sample is wrong, this documentation is all new previous to this it was a trial an error experience... I just use the samples from the methods page. CatalystCRMWebservice Web Service
View Articlequeria la version de prueba pero no se si me instalo la definitiva. no le di...
cuando instale parece que le di mal la opción y quedo a medio instalar por lo tanto no aparecía en el panel de control para des instalarlo. tuve que entrar a mi cuenta en adobe y automáticamente se...
View ArticleRe: I have an Adobe Order numberOrder # AD005615725AU. When I use Photoshop...
Thank you for your response Arnaud. I have followed the steps below and when I get to OOBE there is not a “opm.db” file to delete. This is what it shows: I open the PDApp file and this is what it...
View ArticleTrial version doesn't work. After downloading it won't open. Nothing happens.
I've just download the trial version of AE and it won't open. I've deleted the download, and tried again with the same result. I'm using Windows 7. Any idea what's wrong?
View ArticleAdobe Acrobat X Scanning Issue?
I just purchased Adobe Acrobat X. I have Windows 7 64bit OS. I want to be able to scan directly into pdf as I did with my previous version of Acrobat. I click create pdf, then select scanner and...
View ArticleWhy does adobe make it nearly impossible to cancel your membership ?
I have been on hold for almost 14 hours over 6 days and have been shifted from one operator to another - and never get answered by the end of the day untill you have to hang up as you have to go home...
View ArticleRe: Why does adobe make it nearly impossible to cancel your membership ?
Sorry I should have said Impossible !!!
View ArticleRe: How can I make this into a vector eps logo
Here is a relatively quick version using Envelope Distortion, Appearances and effects. I will post a video of the process once it has uploaded. Or you can download the video here. Warning: you may want...
View ArticleRe: Is there an app for BC sage line 50 integration
There is no misunderstanding, you can't sandbox plain HTML or Javascript... There is no security issues! Accessing the BC API with Javascript (WITH NO MIDDLE MAN SERVER!) there is no issue, if they...
View ArticleRe: I can't add books to my library everytime I try to add a book to my...
I am having the same problem. Except my says: Error getting license. E_ADEPT_ REQUEST_EXPIRED.
View ArticleAudio/video sync problem
Hello, I have used Premiere Elements 8.0, 9.0, 10.0, and now 12.0 ... And am so tired of this persistent problem in ALL of them! I am running a PC Windows 7 64 bit with 16 gb's of ram. The camera...
View ArticleSpawning a new page depending on whether a text field is populated or not
I am trying to create a form that once the last line is in the description field contains text it will automatically spawn a new page directly below the page being filled in. I am so googled out. if...
View ArticleScrollbar to scrub timeline?
Hi guys! Id like to build an animation that scrubs the timeline as I scroll a 4000px high page in Edge Animate. I have tried using the Edge Commons parallax script - but it doesnt allow me to add...
View ArticleRe: Bug List thread
Sorry for lots of posts but the forums wont let you edit - Keeps saying I am not logged in. Update on json module:The following also will not...
View ArticleRe: Photoshop CC won't start
ok! apparently now i got into the correct folder. now i'm trying with opening illustrator, which also had some issues.
View ArticleExported image files have black lines in transparent (shadow) areas
I'm using the most current InDesign CC version ( Build). I've built a file for ePub (fixed) export. I have Photoshop images placed over InDesign radial gradient backgrounds. The Photoshop...
View ArticleRe: SVG from Illistrator looks fine in programs but lines appear on it when...
The reason for the white lines is because of the way anti-aliasing works.These are the anti-aliasing artifacts and you can't do much about it.For example , say you have 2 black rectangles. The left one...
View Articleクリエイティブクラウドを再インストールしたい
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