I have a project with several 'knowledge check' quizzes scattered throughout. The user has 3 attempts to get each question correct, then is shown the correct answer before the project moves on to the next slide. For multiple choice questions, I have achieved this by placing check mark icons next to the correct answer, and positioning them after the standard 1.5 seconds pause mark. Thus when the slide continues, the correct answer is shown.
However, I have hit a problem with drag and drop (sorting) slides. I thought I would be able to simply add a text caption containing the correct answer, underneath which would be a rectangle shape matching the background color of the slide, to mask off the incorrect answers, and put these both after the 1.5 second pause as usual. But this doesn't work - the masking rectangle doesn't actually mask the answer area, though if I move it to the top of the stack, it does mark off the text caption I added for the correct answer.
Is there a workaround for this or is it another case of the developers assuming 'they can't possibly want to do this, so we won't let them'?