Blocking out answer areas
Hi, I have a project with several 'knowledge check' quizzes scattered throughout. The user has 3 attempts to get each question correct, then is shown the correct answer before the project moves on to...
View ArticleRe: How do you can change the page size of a pdf in MAC? I have multiple pdf...
There's no real need to do that. A PDF can have pages of different sizes. On Fri, Jun 6, 2014 at 4:11 AM, christine rambo <>
View ArticleRe: Products does not appear and sometimes Extension Manager doesnt finish...
Have you moved or renamed Photoshop CC installation folder? Did you install PS CC in the default location or removable drive? Please check "/Applications/Adobe Photoshop CC/Adobe Photoshop...
View ArticleRe: Captivate 8: Opening Advanced Actions results in error screen
It seems Captivate is corrupted. Do you have this also in a new project? In that case refresh the Preferences folder. Close Captivate, Navigate to the folder Utils under the Captivate installation...
View ArticleRe: I have paid for my subscription and it constantly logs me out
Hi Penny, Please open a ticket with support and provide them with the email address used for your trial. They can look into this for you. Thanks, Jat
View ArticleRe: Automatically count total number of steps
I was writing the script looking at the sample you gave in the original post. The scenario is the following:The script looks for blocks of text with “Steps” paragraph style applied in the last...
View Articlewhere can I check what type of license my Adobe 5.5. CS is? I know it's...
I need this information because I bought CS 6.0 and I plan on selling this one, but I'm not sure if I'm allowed to (for instance, if it's a student-teacher license).. I don't know where to ask about...
View ArticleRe: 社内でグループ版を2サイトで契約しています。クラウドでファイル共有できますか?
View ArticleRe: trying to burn dvd but sequence format has .wma and dvds dont play .wma
Render and Replace (clip/audio options) the wma on your timeline in Premiere, then export or use DL (depending on the version you are using). See if that will work.
View ArticleRe: Error compiling movie. I/O Error trying to export to other disk drive. I...
These are the permissions, ALL allowed, but no success
View ArticleRe: Downloading Photoshop...
Hello,assuming we talk about CC, you will find the download page there: >>> Other...
View ArticleRe: How do I link to a HelpID or a Search Term without any programming,...
See Calling Webhelp for the options for calling WebHelp. Although it doesn't explicitly say so, WebHelp Pro has the same options. I can't speak for HTML5. As for calling a search term, you may well be...
View ArticleRe: can i upgrade creative cloud plans with no break costs?
I had a virtual chat with a adobe sales agent. I am currently on the 9.00 LR + PS package. I wanted to upgrade to the full 49.99 package. I was told I could not upgrade. I would have to purchase the...
View ArticleHow do I stop the BG and FG colours from switching at random?
I can't seem to stop this from happening regardless of weather or not my brush presets are set to do this or no. Can Anyone offer any suggestions please. It's really frustrating trying to paint when...
View ArticlePhotoshop cc runtergeladen und installiert unter 8.1 aber es geht nicht
Habe mir unter windows 8.1 die Testversion heruntergeladen aber sie startet nicht, es kommt auch keine FehlermeldungWoran kann das liegen, da Photoshop cc doch kompatibel ist
View ArticleRe: can't install creative cloud to my mac (newest version)
jasconley wrote:I've downloaded the trial before and now its not providing me with the right options to install the whole creative cloud Can you elaborate? What IS it offering you? Can you post a...
View ArticleWhat is definition of luminosity in Photoshop?
I am reading a lot of times that Luminosity is same as 'Brightness' in Photoshop.. But I also read that Luminosity is same as 0.3R + 0.59G + 0.11 Blue. Maybe what I find this most confusing: Is a...
View ArticleRe: How to import a file to robohelp to be downloaded by users on the...
You have two choices.Host the file on a website and the link takes you to the website. Add the file to your Baggage Files and link to it inside your project.BTW using "download this list here" is not...
View ArticleRe: Mac installation says Safari is open, but it is not.
haji there,this is pretty simple, click on the apple logo on top left corner, click on force quit and remove safari and mail box, then click retry , it will worknaz
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