Windows 7 Professional with latest updates; Acrobat Pro XI latest update (11.0.8, I think). Tried to print an email (Mozilla Thunderbird latest update) to Adobe PDF, and it appeared to work but .PDF file never appeared in target folder. Tried again using same destination file name; appeared to work (no (1) appended to file name) but file never appeared in folder. Then noticed that EVERY program icon on desktop and in task bar now showed .PDF icon, and EVERY PROGRAM Is now "intercepted" by Acrobat Pro XI which tried to "open" it. I can't do a F*ING THING with ANYTHING on this machine now!! WHAT THE F*ING HELL IS GOING ON ??? This "update" has rendered my computer UTTERLY USELESS!!! Is it really some kind of VIRUS in disguise?? I have to UNINSTALL Acrobat Pro just to use my computer now, and now I can't do ANYTHING with .PDFs. And don't EVEN suggest "re-installing Windows". That AIN'T GONNA HAPPEN!!