Re: i have a new mac how do i reinstall CS6 design premium onto my new...
come to think of it, i dont have an original serial number as i used to have a PC with CS4, i then got a new mac and completely purchased a new CS6 design premium suite. i assume i go back to your...
View ArticleRe: i dont know how to link excel data to illustrator CC, please help!!
You are better off using InDesign Data Merge for this.
View ArticleTibetan Language publishing problem
Hi, I meet a problem. I'm in China. We created some E-learning modules using PowerPoint, initially in simplified Chinese language. We published them either locally (to the local computer) or to the...
View ArticleRe: Does webBasics+ offer 301 redirects?
I've just tested that on a trial WebBasics+ site, URL Redirects were available.
View Articleinclude img in txt thread, but control positioning
Hi, Trying to anchor in a picture box into a txt thread. I sized the picture box the same as the entire text frame on one of the pages (as I need the img to fill that page). However I try to paste it...
View ArticleRe: I cannot open a .pdf in an incoming mail (Outlook 2010) with Acrobat Pro...
Rave... Thank you for your interest. However, I don't understand what your suggestion has to do with my not being able to open .pdf files with Adobe Acrobat Pro XI within Outlook 2010. Aside from...
View ArticlePSE12 Destroys Create Date of JPG when editing occurs. Is this a desirable...
It appears as thought PSE has been destroying the file create date whenever a save/replace occurs since PSE8. Is this a desirable feature or should PSE be revised to preserve the create date in the JPG?
View ArticleRe: Missing Paragraph Level Tag from the Text drop down
Hi Julie I believe you are referring to "Paragraph" drop down menu in text panel ? Please post a screenshot of text panel where the the drop down is not showing up. Thanks,Sanjit
View ArticleRe: i have a new mac how do i reinstall CS6 design premium onto my new...
ignore my last question as i have found CS4 on my old mac, but how to i locate the serial number for this program?
View ArticleRe: CreativeSuite 1の正規ユーザですが、CS2をダウンロードして使用してもよいのでしょうか?
lloco0320さん 現状ですと、ご利用いただいて問題ありません。どのような経緯で弊社サポートとこのような会話になったのか不明ですが、 恐らくですが、例えば、CS1の「Photoshop」だけをお持ちの方が、CS2の「Standard」や「Premium」はお使い頂けません。という事ではないでしょうか。
View Articleimages saving on Desktop only otherwise unreadable by lightroom
Hi there I went to upload my images into Lightroom and found they all stored on my desktop . If I move them into the file where all my other images are they are no longer readable/ no longer...
View ArticleI have been using the 2014 prem cc 3months work and the online editor has...
Hi, been working on a monster job that we updated to 2014.. The online editor only has cc, how is the best way to get the project to him? with out loosing our work?
View ArticleRe: How to I get my host email at GoDaddy to work after I've changed the name...
I guess, you have resolved the issue on your end. Thanks,Sanjit
View ArticleWindows 7 Professional with latest updates; Acrobat Pro XI latest update...
Windows 7 Professional with latest updates; Acrobat Pro XI latest update (11.0.8, I think). Tried to print an email (Mozilla Thunderbird latest update) to Adobe PDF, and it appeared to work but .PDF...
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