Very nice reply and I understand completely. It is obvious you are very familiar with Photoshop CC 2014 and your reasoning is very sound. It is possible that that other team may have created some smart plug-in for Photoshop CC to do tagging. This picture tagging is more for amateur photographers who might also do genealogy too where they need a way to mark everyone in the picture. My wife's uncle does this with the text pasted onto the picture, which works but means you probably have two copies of most pictures. I am going to e-mail him since I know he is a long time Photoshop guy. You have been very helpful and I really appreciate your replies. I don't know if the full version of Photoshop is still being produced but I will look into that. Elements 12 did not seem too expensive but one has to wonder if these products will go away due to the new cloud type business model. Thanks again!!