Re: My new Indesign cc 2014 cannot open my older files? "cannot open "xxx.indd".
If you still have CS3 installed, export these files to .inx then open that in the new version.
View ArticleRe: I have a trial copy of Photoshop CC.
Noel, Very nice reply and I understand completely. It is obvious you are very familiar with Photoshop CC 2014 and your reasoning is very sound. It is possible that that other team may have...
View ArticleRe: videos not working on somesite
I have the same issue using IE 11. Some sites the screen is a black box. Sometimes just get audio no video. No one will attempt to answer this.
View ArticleHow do you bleed a photo across a book spine with a "no print" gutter?
I'm laying-out a coffee table book (8 x 10) that includes a lot of 2-page photo spreads. I set the top/bottom/outside bleeds to .125. So no issue there. But how do I handle the inside area closest to...
View ArticleRe: Focus stacking is broken in CC 20140730.r.148 x64
Glad I found this post! I just spent 3+ hours watching youtube tutorials trying to get a simple 3-shot focus stack to work in CC. I have the exact same problem where only 1 layer mask is visible and...
View ArticleRe: iOS Advertising Identifier - App wurde abgelehnt
Ich habe die App vor zwei Wochen erstellt, mit der aktuellen DPS Builder Version. Nach der ersten Ablehnung hatte ich die App nochmal erstellt und zu Apple gesendet. Daraufhin wurde sie jetzt wieder...
View ArticleRe: Why can't I permanently delete files from my creative cloud space?
Thanks, Ken. Is there any problem with Archive? Why I can't clean it? I mean, there are files that I can delete and other not. Thank again
View ArticleParallax not responding in an iFrame
I put an Edge animate file into an iframe on SquareSpace, but the parallax scrolling function stopped working. I used the following code on my stage and it works great when I put it into a normal...
View Articlewhere is free collection of graphics for cc customers?
A few weeks ago I downloaded a collection of graphics (and fonts, as I remember). What are the files called, where are they located and how do I access them within DW and Photoshop CC 2014?
View ArticleRe: Lightroom 5.6 Slooow!!
I have found that, with LR Sync on, LR keeps grabbing 20-30 of the CPU. This happens even when there are no files that need synced. It seems to me that LR is constantly looking for changes, so I turn...
View ArticleRe: Is flash player responsible for my images not working (loading) on my...
My home page is Videos from CNN will not play from the home page. But Fox news will. On going with other sites also. Started for me about 3 weeks ago. Everything worked fine until...
View ArticleRe: where is free collection of graphics for cc customers?
I don't know. Did you download from the Add-ons page? Nancy O.
View ArticleRe: Ultrawide Screen or Widescreen
Eizo Foris FS2333 is not available here atm and if i do order, it will cost 41.5K (indian Rupees) 680 $
View ArticleI cant drag (copy) images from my desktop into pscs6 PLEASE HELP :)
I have a problem with pscs6 ... i cant drag (copy) images from my desktop into ps ... it doesn´t matter what size the images got i also restert the layer and everything i dont know why because about 3...
View ArticleRe: Speech marks turning into TM (Trade Mark) symbols!
Hi Peter, the font is DIN-Medium. I am exporting the document in indesign to make the PDF. I am a real notice.
View ArticleRe: What are they doing with PSCC?
One other thing I wanted to ask the Lightroom forum there is a link to 'subscribed threads' so one can get to those quickly. I spent time this afternoon trying to find this thread and couldn't so...
View ArticleI can't do anything about error 150:30
I've tried everything I've seen online about fixing error 150:30 that my licensing has stopped working but nothing seems to work
View ArticleRe: I can't see my library in LR?
Well, I don't have a solution really. But there's always the old "delete the Lightroom preferences file" solution that seems to resolve some of these problems.How do I delete the Lightroom Preferences...
View ArticleRe: camera model not supported. how do i change this
Use Help / Updates to update the Camera Raw plug-in. You must have done this in the past on the old laptop, but when you installed on the new laptop, the ACR version is the original one that shipped...
View ArticleRe: How can zoom into an image by dragging?
Dear mr Kelly, I'm using a desktop.Indeed Open GL drawing is not activated. I've tried updating to the Catalyst suite resulting in this download but when I run this download my computer restarts,...
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