The best way I can detail this is to say that this is my first project with
Premier Pro and after loading all the project clips about 500 different
items I had no problem building the 50 minute timeline. My next step was to
do the various video transitions, and this is where the trouble started.
After successfully completing a couple of wipes I tried to do a cross fade
and everything just froze. The error messages I consistently get is that
there has been a low lever player error, and the only way to get the
program to quit and restart is to make it "force quit" After restart the
player will play one time, and then as soon as I attempt to make any
changes it freezes up and the program has to be "force quitted to close it.
I have contacted Adobe phone support and after taking control of mu machine
for over an hour the technician was unable to help, and said he was going
to refer it to adobe research.
After five days I have still heard nothing.
Can anyone please help?
On Tue, Jun 17, 2014 at 4:52 AM, DanNickolls <>