Re: I'm getting white gaps between black contour lines and fill color on...
calotypist, Are you using a PostScript (emulation) driver? What happens if you Print to/Save As PDF and print from Acrobat/Reader?
View ArticleRe: Dreamweaver CS6 Crashes w/Find Feature
You have to turn on hidden folders in your OS first or you'll never see the correct configuration folder. Without that step (and especially if you use your OS search feature) you will never see the...
View ArticleRe: My Adobe Premiere constantly fezzes up when I try to edit transitions?
The best way I can detail this is to say that this is my first project withPremier Pro and after loading all the project clips about 500 differentitems I had no problem building the 50 minute timeline....
View ArticleHow to refresh a dropdownlist
Hi everyone, I script a dialog box (palette) to import XML files into InDesign Documents. I retrieve xml files shared on a network folder on a dropdownlist. At any moment I need to refresh that list....
View ArticleRe: Font-style doesn't work in Firefox
I'm using the newest version of Firefox if that's what you mean. No, I can't post a link I tried alot, using different things, font-face with support (so with woff, eot etc.), or with only just woff,...
View ArticleRe: Advance Actions
The first decision should be a mimicked Standard action, which means that the condition has always to result in true. You can use (I posted a screenshot) IF 1 is equal to 1 or if you don't like...
View ArticleRe: pdf schützen
Ein Dienstleister hat dies für unser Unternehmen eingestellt. Ich wäre für jeden Tipp dankbar. Wie verschlüsselt man denn korrekt ohne das dies einfach mit Acrobat Pro geknackt wird?
View ArticleRe: When are renderd files saved ?
I've noticed now that the render files exists in the scratchfolders. I can play them in WMP. So for some reason they are not loaded/not find when I load my project. I've chosen already the option...
View ArticleRe: Showing 1:1 pixel ratio in InDesign 9.2.2
For example, double-clicking on my Mac would zoom the document to 67% giving 1:1. The zoom level needed for the 1:1 view is also not usually a whole number, which means you probably won't even be a...
View ArticleRe: Serious complaint
there is no error code. it doesn't pop up at all. I just get a black cloud window with nothing in it.
View ArticleRe: Just trying to open CS6, not specific file or anything. But it says...
Evan, What happens if you change the default printer?
View ArticleRe: eingebettetes Youtube Video ruckelt - Lichtkasten Widget Problem?
das ist das eigentliche Problem in diesem Forum - keine oder wie oben nichtssagende Antworten..... Dazu ein Adobe Support der nicht existent ist zum verzweifeln :-(
View ArticleRe: PDF insert into Word
I am creating a handbook that will eventually be saved as in it's entirety as a PDF, but need to insert a few pages from other PDF's. I am following copyright since the pages are to be used as their...
View ArticleRe: I am pulling my hair out! I am using adobe indesign and just want to make...
Hey - maybe this will work for you?
View ArticleRe: CF11 services won't restart
This is an issue specific hotfix created by us. You will not find it under updates/hotfix section. If you haven't receive the hotfix, then send an email to Regards,Anit Kumar
View ArticleRe: Adobe QT 32 Server is Not Responding in Premiere CC
....everyone liking the paid subscription model now ?????...........GOOD TIMES !!!....
View ArticleGPS not showing up in LR 4.5
I am shooting with a Nikon D4 with the Nikon GPS attachment. Even though the camera indicated the GPS info was captured and the files, when viewed in PS, shows the GPS info was captured, the only GPS...
View ArticleRe: How do I insert a header in Dreamweaver CS6?'s a more basic question: how do I insert a header (or nav, footer, etc) in CS6?
View ArticleRe: Please remove my account I established today Order No. AD012781728
Hi Charlene, Please let me know what issues you are facing using Adobe Send. Regards,Rave
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