Re: chrome windows 7 do i need both adobe plugin 10 and adobe flash player 11...
htrimm wrote: do i need adobe air, adobe plugin 10 and adobe flash player 11 active x?If you have any AIR apps, you will need the AIR runtime; latest version is "adobe plugin 10" means...
View ArticleRe: Does Captivate 6 work with IE 11 and Windows 8.1?
How are you delivering this content to the users? Via a web server. Learning Management System, LAN drive,?? Please explain.
View ArticleRe: Adobe Muse Site not appering correctly on Phone?
I was doing some searching, this issue seems to be the same as mine, but no resolution. Re: Phone layout shrunk to left and tiny
View ArticleRe: Pixelseitenverhältnis-Korrektur immer quadratisch
Hast Du irgendein VIdeo in der Zwischenablage?Was ist, wenn Du ein Bild mit quadratischen Pixeln in die Zwischenablage kopierst, etwa aus dem Internet? Und dann ein neues Dokument öffnest.
View ArticleRe: Dialog boxes freezing captivate
Let me ask this: When you invoke a dialog box and Captivate 'freezes', does hitting the ESCAPE key on your keyboard return control to you again?
View ArticleRe: it keeps saying cant install system platform, i checked everything
sorry it took so long to get back to you, attached is what pops up, but i have a windows7 laptop. what do i dolaura
View ArticleRe: Are circled numbered steps possible?
As an alternate to pasting in anchored frames with the circles so that they land on top of your autonumbers, you could try using two paragraph styles together with the Frame Above set to to a reference...
View ArticleRe: organizer problem with a twist
Didn't see anything. The following were enabled. 1cbrmon64 Adobe updated Catalyst control center ETD Control center Hkcmd module Hpwuschd application HydraDM (2) Igfxtray module Logitech KHAL main...
View ArticleRe: renew, DPS, how can I renew my DPS account on line paying with my credit...
Hi, I hope this e-mail finds you well. I am in México City Many thanks, I will wait for the link in order to pay as soon as possible Best regards Vive Feliz : ) Ernesto RubioDirector...
View ArticleRe: This is getting tiring
Yes, I know, station_two, and I have been saying so in the thread I opened on that subject, Inserting images wrecks my messages. But this thread is about the full messages written in the Title field, a...
View ArticleHelp with lightroom error
I am getting a an error when I try to open my lightroom cc it says lightroom encountered an error when reading from it's preview cache and needs to quit can someone tell me what to do?
View ArticleRe: how do i install flash player to my mobile device
There is no Flash Player for mobile devices. Android supported Flash Player up to 4.0, but no longer.
View ArticleRe: Adobe CC Availability in Panama
so. if im in Panama and want an Adobe product ..i cannot have one unless i buy it from an expensive reseller here?.....whats the point Adobe? some people just need to work. i love your products but...
View ArticleRe: What can open/edit an .ai file TEXT layer (besides Illustrator)?
@Monika Gause: thank you for your suggestion, but, Corel Draw seems to be for Windoze only :-(
View ArticleRe: Default character limit in Text Entry Boxes?
If it IS a bug, it's a usability bug. But to be fair to the Captivate developers, what else could they do when a user circumvents using the Insert Variable dialog other than just automatically assign...
View ArticleRe: Premiere Elements
AgentDingo Judy F this morning wrote about contacting Abobe. I do not know how she did that since, when I tried those Adobe Chat opportunities, same old stuff- Ask the Community. Have you tried those...
View ArticleRe: What can open/edit an .ai file TEXT layer (besides Illustrator)?
@ Larry G. Schneiger thank you for your suggestion, but, i need full editing functionality - an Illustrator replacement.
View ArticleRe: Re: Re: Find multi layer names and alert
Hi Steve, Try this. Array.prototype.contains = function(k) { for(var i=0; i < this.length; i++) { if(this[i] === k) { return true; } } return false; } var...
View ArticleEffects window
I noticed the Effects Workspace only shows the Effects control tab but it does not show the workspace so I can't see video. Will the next version fix this glitch?
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