Re: i'm having trouble downloading indesign cs3, all i get is an error404...
Download CS3 products The rest is too vague. You have not provided any system info or other details. Mylenium
View ArticleRe: cs5 installation problem
Run the cleaner tool and try again. Use the CC Cleaner Tool to solve installation problems | CC, CS3-CS6 Mylenium
View ArticleSlideshow that works on iPad?
Hi I am using Indesign CS6 and have created a slideshow by creating buttons and by making the actual slide images buttons. I then export to interactive pdf. The slideshow works perfectly on a desktop...
View ArticleRe: I get this error trying to log into Lightroom Mobile.
Could you try the steps listed here... Hope that helps Guido
View ArticleRe: No Pages Selected RDS Server 2012r2
Yesterday was a nightmare, and today it seems will be too... I've configurated the drivers in isolation and shared mode, both with no luck. Sometimes work, sometimes not, and restarting print spooler,...
View ArticleRe: Is 'Track Matte Key' buggy in Premiere CS6?
Next release wont do the OP any good. He's on CS6.
View ArticleRe: can't download installer for acrobat xi pro - can you help?
I did notice that, I was clutching at straws. Can you let me know the files you DO see on the CD when you put it into the laptop?
View ArticleRe: Captivate 8: Advanced answer option missing
Hi Satish, I have checked in my system and I am able to get advance action properly under Options section inside Properties tab of Selected answer item. To enable partial scoring first go to quiz tab...
View ArticleRe: Captivate 8: Advanced answer option missing
Hello, I think your problem is linked with the fact that workspaces have been deprecated (not a good step IMO). Advanced answer option has still the same work flow:Select an answer on the stageGo to...
View ArticleRe: New Blue Effekt deinstallieren
The reason to decide to get rid of these Plug-ins is, that I use another Plug-in called VitaScene from Prodad. And everytime when I start this Plug-in Permiere Elements ends abruptly. The support from...
View ArticleRe: Why has my adobe photoshop anual signature been canceled?
Would you kindly clarify what you mean by "signature"? Are you referring to the "Subscription"? In any event, you need to contact Adobe customer service directly by phone or web chat, as there is no...
View ArticleRe: Play/Stop button not working
Trial version is fully functional.What is your OS, source and codec, seqeunce settings and comp specs.
View ArticleThe type inside the footer drops down 50 px below the bottom of page in...
I need to fix this footer text on the home page. The type on the master page is centered inside a white 50px box. But in preview mode, the line of text drops 50px down below the bottom of page. I...
View ArticleRe: how do I print Captivate slides? Saving them to pdf only gives me one page
To add to Rod's answer: PDF output will create an interactive PDF, the SWF is embedded in the PDF. When playing the PDF with Adobe Reader (that has the special embedded Flash player) the user gets the...
View ArticleRe: Interactive widget does not do advanced actions if "Visible in Output"...
I didn't answer because I was puzzled: besides Rod's question about which interactive widget, it seems like you only use it to trigger advanced actions. Is that On Success for that widget? Why do you...
View ArticleRe: How can I import .mov footage with original pixel aspect ratio?
Best option is to upload a small clip for us to test.
View ArticleRe: New installation 7.2.1 Speedgrade crashes upon startup.
Hi, Could you post the crash log and the computer specs? Thanks,Fran
View Articlemerge slide
Hello, I'd like to merge slide after have cut it in two part and have removed content that I didn't like. I can't find how to do this Could you help me please ? Thanks for help Best regardsChristophe
View ArticleHow do I send an email to customer support re consolidation of user names
I wish to consolidate user names as I have had to delete one address I used some time ago
View ArticleHow can I get the name of a output module template
Hey guys, SDK newbie here. How can I get the name of every output module template? Thanks Zhiqiang Li
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