change the blending mode on the gradient fill within a shape layer?
I can't seem to figure out how to do this, if it is possible. I have a shape layer with a gradient fill, that gradient fill layer needs to be set to multiply, by default its normal. can the be done...
View ArticleRe: Watermarks are Unsharp in LR5
Anybody had this issue and found the magic trick ? I can't get it right :s
View ArticleHow to create a dynamic image (an image that loads from a url)?
How to create a dynamic image (an image that loads from a url)?Basically how can i create a pdf file that downloads an image from my website into the pdf file (the image gets updated all the time). Thanks
View ArticleError while purchasing CC
While I'm trying to purchase the PS CC + LR combo in the actual promo unfortunatly the payment system says: We're sorry, but we're having trouble processing your order. Please come back and try again...
View ArticleRe: Since I joined creative cloud, I have not been able to sync. Why the...
I would suggest to start from zero. You could do that when you trigger the "Delete All Data" via LR preferences->Lightroom Mobile. With that sync should be working again. -Guido
View ArticleRe: Audio at widget and slide levels overlay
?? Rod, if you put a click box on top of a tab, how can the tab be functional?
View ArticleAnimated Red Circle
Hi All I'm new to captivate and I'm struggling to draw an animated red circle to get user attention to elements of the training. I have found the build-in action but the line width is to thin and I...
View ArticleHow do you fix the footer?
I need help fixing the footer. I centered the line of text inside a 50px H box footer on master A. Tried unchecking the sticky footer in the site properties. Also checked it as footer item. The line of...
View ArticleRe: merge slide
Are you talking about the background of a slide? And how did you edit that background? Normally when you edit a background from the Library you don't have to 'merge'.
View ArticleRe: GREP apply style, excude text in brackets
sorry Peter, I mean 'renewed' is never in brackets - but the style should stop at any brackets that follow it.
View ArticleRe: Distiller Version 7.0.5
The version is likely to be similar, but may not be identical to Acrobat. It was bunded with Acrobat and certain other products. It has been unsupported for many, many years.
View ArticleLow Camera Capture FPS
Hi there, We have a Flash application doing camera capture and streaming it over RTMP to an AMS. Things work brilliantly for most USB webcams, however as soon as our users use a built-in cheap webcam...
View ArticleRe: Audio at widget and slide levels overlay
Good point. Wonder if the click boxes would still pick up the click events if they were placed UNDER the interactions. They used to still react under other objects. Don't have time to test right now.
View ArticleRe: Adobe Acrobat 5.0 Installation and Verification Error
Acrobat 5 has been obsolete for more than 10 years! It sounds as if this was an upgrade looking for an even older version. Let's forget that and look at the problem with Adobe Reader. What is the...
View Articlewill this have to be my first-ever equation?
One of the product managers has asked me to include tolerances in a spec. sheet. The way I've received the information, in a technical drawing, it looks like this: what's the simplest/most maintainable...
View ArticleRe: Text to speech in slidelet
... maybe have a look at this blog post, where I explain using shared actions to create lightboxes (and close them): Dare to Share - part 1 - Captivate blogDare to Share - part 2 - Captivate blog...
View ArticleRe: Smartphone Audio Issue
Glad you got it working but remember this is just a fix to a recording fault, the problems at the camera end still needs sorting.
View ArticleRe: Photoshop Touch stopped working after update of HTC One (m7) to Android...
Hi, at the moment you are the first one to report this issue. Do you have a tweaked system by any kind? Developer options on?Could you contact me privately and give me a log from logcat? thanks,Ignacio
View Articleerror in converting doc to pdf file
I have a doc file - 53100kB word 2007, 180 pages with text and images. When converting to pdf with AdobePdf, it breaks after 99 pages. I got a message MicrosoftOfficeWord encountred a problem and has...
View ArticleRe: I am so annoyed. This is taking days to get help.
Maybe we can help if only to say "you cannot". What kind of ebook is it (in detail)? Are you the author? If so, what program was used to create it. If you are not the author, do you own the copyright?
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