Re: I lost one of my dvd from cs5 design standard dutch.
if you follow all 7 steps you can directly download a trial here: and activate with your serial number. if you have a problem...
View ArticleRe: stop and start video commands?
... found the problem. Sadly, Adobe's docs are quite remiss. Adobe Edge Animate CC JavaScript API...contains several typos in the code. When i cleaned up the Adobe docs code all is working well. // Set...
View ArticleRe: Updating from Ver 4 to Ver 5
You upgrade to the latest version (which is 5.5), and that's all you need to installhow do I determine version of 4 that I have installedHelp->About Adobe Lightroom
View ArticleRe: Shade a segment of a circle in ID CS5?
You'd do well to group them with the other copy, too, so they can't be moved separately.
View ArticleRe: I need to down load acrobat X pro
Brandon.cink please make sure you are saving to the installation files to the download folder. Once the download is complete you can then install the software to the Applications or Program Files folder.
View ArticleRows in table fixed position
Hi How do you make a fixed position for a table. I have a table with 3 rows. The top is where my navigation links are. How can I make that a fixed position so that it doesn't move and everything under...
View ArticleRe: When I paste a new layer into an existing one I only see the top layer in...
Did you click the Eye icons in your Layers Panel to toggle layers on/off? Nancy O.
View ArticleRe: I can't download the .7z file for CS6. The .exe file downloads without a...
I’ve tried using Firefox and Internet Explorer. Neither works.
View ArticleRe: DW CC 2014 Server Busy
Correct ben-erwin! It also was working perfectly until the update.
View ArticleRe: How long did it take Adobe to have an update to support the D600?
Adobe can not complete support until production models have been released into the market. So if Adobe support is critical to your workflow wait until it is available to make your purchase. If Nikon...
View ArticleRe: asking for serial number on trial version
Loisewaller I am sorry but if you are being prompted for a serial number then it is likely the trial period has expired. If you wish to continue to evaluate Photoshop Elements then please do so on a...
View ArticleRe: Why does my registration code not work?
AAs I mentioned above, I have tried everything recommended on the Adobe Support site. I have not been able to find anything that works including your link above.
View ArticleRe: Problem wit recording
Anoopkviswam which Adobe software or service is your inquiry in reference too?
View ArticleRe: How can you tell if guides are locked?
Sorry, I don’t understand you.Normally one works with guides locked and black dots are less obtrusive and easier to recognize as guides than coloured lines (less visual chaos on screen). You only...
View ArticleIllustrator Shape Builder Tool: After the latest CC update, the tool alters...
I am using a PC and installed the latest update of all the CC programs I use (AI, PS, AE, etc.) and within Illustrator I've noticed the Shape Builder Tool doesn't behave exactly as it did in the past....
View ArticleRe: Indesign book print
Ok thanks so much! "Changing the way you think about your Association"
View ArticleRe: Photoshop only install as a trial in Creative Cloud
Hi DelCario, Please follow the article: Creative Cloud applications ask for serial number which will help you to fix this issue of yours. Let me know if it works or not. Thanks,Ratandeep Arora
View ArticleRe: stop and start video commands?
Hi Rich, Animate's timelines have stop() and play() methods - but video (and audio) elements must be explicitly addressed and do not have a stop() method. To "stop" a video on a click event, you'd use...
View ArticleCoreldraw X3 problem - CDR File crashed - lost file
I am having a problem trying to open a CDR file that I think crashed. This is the 2nd time it has happened with different files.The file still shows up in my external drive but has an icon next to it...
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