film output aspect ration doubt?
Hi, I edited red 4k footage in premiere and graded in speed grade with direct link happy to work with this option,my doubt is when we give a final out from di what is the aspect ratio is for cinema...
View ArticleRe: I am trying to install CS2 on my new computer but it is not accepting my...
This will probably help: Error: Activation Server Unavailable | CS2, Acrobat 7, Audition 3
View ArticleRe: Media Encoder stops working and I get the goat.
Ok, I gotcha. Haven't had a problem last few hours. The next time it happens, I will use that project to test with.Thank you for your help.Virgil
View ArticleRe: extracting
OK, that's fine.Searching for the error message yields many results, like this one: Re: Acrobat failed to connect to DDE Server
View ArticleRe: Converting a Photo to just lines
In my version it’s called Live Trace and there are check buttons for Fill or Stroke. I prefer to use Fill all the time and change the paths to stroke afterwards, after I have maybe edited them.
View ArticleRe: Photoshop randomly decided to put gigantic craters of spaces between all...
If you have a version of PSE prior to 11, click on the little triangle, top left, on the type tool's option bar to reset the tool.For versions 11&12, on the tool's option bar, look for a box with...
View ArticleRe: Problems making High Quality PDF file
Most likely caused by Acrobat's "enhance thin lines" setting which is a user preference, and enabled by default, so you can't do much about it except on your own system.
View ArticleRe: Saved sequences in Premiere Pro CC acting oddly, striped clips, green...
I've restarted it several times, and actually other projects are working like clockwork in Premiere, so I think it has to do with the source file links.I moved all the source files to a new folder, and...
View Articleshape builder issue
With the most recent Creative Cloud update I've noticed that the Shape Builder Tool still allows merging/cropping/deletion like in previous versions, however alters the inherit path structure of the...
View ArticleRe: InDesign Serious Error, Crashing
Great, thank you! For some reason the fourth or fifth time I deleted my preferences from the library it restarted. My work was saved but my custom workspaces were gone, but that's manageable. If it...
View ArticleRe: Can't get audio in Premiere for clips that have audio when opened in...
Ann, I did what you said and deleted all those pesky media cache with no luck. I did, however, find a solution to my problem. I simply proress'ed the footage again and imported again, and wa-la! it...
View ArticleRe: Why won't my Premiere elements 12 start up?
novice central Thanks for the follow ups with the troubleshooting. I am hoping that we can get a breakthrough with the new User Account with Administrative Privileges. That approach has often worked as...
View ArticleRe: Lag in InDesign 2014
10.7.5 implies a fairly old Mac, so I suspect it's a hardware issue. How much RAM is installed?
View ArticleRe: Despeckle Filter Doesn't Stick With Image
Are you certain you're bringing the corrected, flattened image into InDesign? Nancy O.
View ArticleIn trying to uninstall PSE10 and then re-install, got error message...
Hello. I couldn't get my Topaz plug-ins to work (kept crashing without saving the image), so I uninstalled/reinstalled, and no improvement. So I decided to uninstall and re-install PSE 10 to see if...
View ArticleCan Captivate 8 Produce Interactive Videos Like These?
I saw that Articulate Storyline can incorporate interactive videos like this: Screenr - EndersDesign: Cook up some fun with interactive video in @Articulate #Storyline.Screenr - EndersDesign: How to...
View ArticleI'm trying to transfer Adobe 7 to another computer and can't deactivate;...
If they would just say "we don't support that version - at all" I could swallow it and move on, but the message is that the server is unavailable for technical reasons. 7 is just fine for me...anyone...
View ArticleRe: Updates Fail Adobe Creative Suite CS5 / Adobe Audition 3
Fizbop please make sure that you are installing CS5 on your new hard drive as opposed to migrating/copying the installation. You can download a fresh copy of the installation files for CS5 at Download...
View ArticleRe: Is Captivate capable of producing this kind of Interactive video?
Good idea - I did! Thanks
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