Re: i keep getting pop-up in adobe how to stop them
I have a screen shot but can't figure out how to post it
View ArticleRe: How to apply/generalize the same failure text in all the Failure_Caption...
Technically yes, but it's never as easy as that in Captivate. You can create a User Variable to hold the Failure Text and then add a default display field into all Failure Captions of quiz slides that...
View ArticleRe: Pip movie in captivate 8
Hi, The workflow you have mentioned works fine in Cp8.PIP video can be inserted in a CPVC(video demo) project using Insert Menu->PIP video. I checked it now and it is working fine for me in Cp8....
View ArticleRe: why does (the object "move" is currently not availible) dialoge box pop...
Hi all.The object "move" is currently not availibleThis message comes when you try to move a layer to a nonexistent layer. For example: You have 4 layers, but Photoshop is trying to move it to the...
View ArticleRe: find disconnected pictures
teatip wrote: How can I locate disconnected pictures in photoshop elements11?Photoshop Elements (PSE) knowledge base.
View Articlereinstall
I bought me photoshop cs6 extended student and teacher version. I installed PS extended student and teacher version on 2 computer but now i destroy my pc and bought me a new one but i don't now , how...
View ArticleHas CS5's annoying Undo behaviour been fixed in CS6?
I'm a Photoshop CS5 user and thinking about moving on to the latest version. I'm generally quite content with CS5, but there is one "feature" that's very annoying: Undo/Redo change the selection of the...
View ArticleRe: Instration
ご不便をおかけしているようで、申し訳ありません。 これらのエラーはファイルへのアクセス権などが原因で起こることがわかっています。ちょっと情報が古いですが、CS5の時のヘルプ文書があります。 このような場合に確実なのは、CC クリーナーツールで一度Creative...
View ArticleRe: Captivate 8 crashes when pasting a text caption or slides in a responsive...
Hi Brom, Can you please upload your project to and email me the download link at We will investigate and try to resolve the issue with copy/paste of custom captions....
View ArticleRe: PSE10でスタートアップスクリーンが表示されず起動時の設定が出来なくなった。
ご親切なアドバイス有難う御座いました。アンインストール致して、その後色々やってみましたが、再インストールが出来ません。PCはVAIOで、PSE10は入っていた物でCDは有りません。いかがしたら再インストールが可能でしょうか? お教え下さい。
View ArticleRe: gopro + sony = ?
Sorry for having it in Swedish but i think you could guess what it means.
View ArticleRe: Anchor At Top Moves To Left
Thanks, that site helped a lot! Unfortunately I'm not sure of a solution to your problem but maybe you could post it as a discussion?
View ArticleRe: re; Getting data from a live web site, based on geo-location.
Could windows Firewall be stopping this geo-location weather ticker app from working? When I start Captivate 8, I get the message indicating the the firewall is blocking some features of the program....
View ArticleRe: The resolution in a multi-rendition article
I'm viewing on the device using Adobe Viewer.
View ArticleGot an Error: Flash Media Server needs the NSPR library installed
Hi Guys, I used a chat software is 123 Flash Chat, recently i transferred the chat to the other server, when i tried to restart the Flash Media Server, there was an error and my members can not use the...
View ArticleRe: Lightroom 5.6 Slooow!!
it has not been mentioned here before: I find that the export of pictures takes much longer than before.
View ArticleRe: Large indd file will not export to PDF
BeckieBea wrote: Just a note, exporting to IDML worked, opening it worked but it took forever, but exporting THAT to a PDF still resulted in an export error.If this is the case then a linked file or...
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