Re: Re: How do I export a LIST of "Media Duration" from Premiere CC?
If I found the answer on Google I wouldn't be here on this forum asking for everyone's help
View ArticleRe: can i edit avchd using intel core i5-3350p processor
ravnen 6 What version of Premiere Elements do you have and on what computer operating system is it running? The generalized answer for versions 7 through 12 is probably yes, best for versions 10 to 12...
View ArticleRe: After Effects bug (I don't know how to say this, look at the picture)
OK, and how can I make it right?On everey simple flat, is this: Greeting
View ArticleAfter Effects defaults media cache to C drive
I couldn't find this topic in the discussion group. Sorry if it's a duplicate. I've been using After Effects since early 2000s and have always put the scratch disk and media catch on a separate drive....
View ArticlePHP If then syntax, conditional link in form submit button
I have a site with some code which checks the value of a field in a database table, and controls which page a user goes to when they hit the submit button on a form. It is part of a shopping cart,...
View ArticleRe: lightroom show noise in PSD files
Can you provide screen captures? And you must view in Develop at 100% for each (1:1 in LR, 100% in PS).
View ArticleRe: My Pages Panel is open but I cannot see the Pages, how can I fix?
Thank you!!! Saved the day, phew!
View ArticleTime Submitted column missing on Response Table
This column was somehow deleted, possibly by a co-author. How can I add it back?
View ArticleTroubleshooting fillable form creation
I am using Adobe Acrobat X Pro Version 10.1.10 ~ the fillable form that I created has several fillable boxes but once the client types information in those boxes there are extra spaces that don't need...
View ArticleCreative Cloud keeps on updating over and over again
Hi guys! My Creative Cloud panel drives me nuts! It indicates that there are 10 Apps to update. When I update them it's OK for a short while (like some hours), then it indicates again the same 10 Apps...
View ArticleRe: Intermittent hang with CF10, apache 2.2, RHEL6
The problem was related to the well documented issue regarding the randomizer CF10 uses. We had a large number or cfhttp calls, and each one requires calling /dev/urandom to generate a random number....
View ArticleRe: InDesign Crash when attempting to Print
CS3 was never designed to run on 10.9 and has never been officially tested or supported on that OS. You may never get it to print. Export to PDF instead and print from Acrobat or Reader.
View ArticleRe: The desktop version of my website homepage shows the phone version...
I have resolved the problem by duplicate the website and delete the phone version then replace the elements on a new telephone version.I hope that will always works.The url :
View ArticleRe: Unable to install Adobe CS6
Harry did you download a fresh copy of the installation files from Download CS6 products? For the DS003 error specifically I would recommend following the steps listed in Error "FATAL ERROR: Cannot...
View ArticleI receive Windows Cryptographic Service Provider reports an Error: Object was...
I receive Windows Cryptographic Service Provider reports an Error: Object was not found Error code 2148073489 when I try to Digital sign a pdf
View ArticleAquarrel
Ich binauf der Suche nachMenschen, die einenAufschlag.Aquarell-JPGs von meinem foto(JPG)machenkannGibt es jemanden,der mir helfen kann? Grüßeaus dem nördlichenNiederlande
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