Re: Bridge cache problem! HELP!!
BOILERPLATE TEXT:If you give complete and detailed information about your setup and the issue at hand, such as your platform (Mac or Win), exact versions of your OS, of Photoshop and of Bridge, machine...
View Articlesince lightroom version 5.6 i couldn´t open lightroom from Zoner Photostudio
I work with Zoner PhotoStudio 16 and open from zoner the pictures with lightroom.Now i´ve updated to lightroom 5.6 and i couldn´t open from zoner to lightroom.
View ArticleRe: how to add a picture to a layer with a mask ?
You don't need at a mask though a mask can be useful. If you use menu file>Place. You can place an image into the current document and use the place transform dialog to size and position the place...
View ArticleRe: Extenion Panel not showing installed addons
Thank you for the advice Platform is MAC Pro Late 2013 model 3.5Ghz - 6 Core running OSX 10.9.4I have both Photoshop CC and CC 2014- On CC 2014 Extensions Panelshows Krul only, on CC Extensions Panel...
View ArticleRe: Why are my JPGs suddenly so large?
I forgot to say this, but the scripts forum also discusses Actions. Someone there could help you chase this problem down.
View ArticleRe: HELP!!! Files disappeared while using the 'Move to' function in Bridge.
Working across a network, from and to a server, is not supported by Adobe. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This is the boilerplate text often used in connection to saving to a network (please NOTE the part...
View ArticleMy order is still pending
I purchased Premiere elements over 5 hours ago and it still says pending. Downloading the trial doesnt help because of the stupid watermark issue when exporting my videos. Usually this process is...
View ArticleSince upgrading to LR 5.6, PC began crashing when LR is running
Have any other users experienced this same issue?
View Article15 beta: ProgressEvent is not defined
Thank you for your work on Air. You are doing a wonderfull job :-)The new publishing engine is way faster. The ipa seems smaller now. However I have the following error:ReferenceError: Error #1065:...
View ArticleRe: Printing 8x10 Prints on 8.5x11 Paper
Jim, please elaborate about problems with the overspray pad. What happens?
View ArticleRe: Re: How TO Convert AI to AI JPG GreyScale
var userDesktop = Folder.desktop; var f = new File(userDesktop+'/yourActionFile.aia'); app.loadAction (f); app.doScript ('actionName', 'setName');
View ArticleRe: Muse; Business Catalyst; Ecommerce. Need input!
Awesome that worked! I have another question, I'm sort of understanding how to apply modules etc. into my muse template and modify them in the BC admin. Where exactly do I add css styles to style...
View ArticleRe: how to add a picture to a layer with a mask ?
Thanks a lot The layer and the mask is already created, I just need to place the photo into the existing layer, When I use file>place it is creating another layer. It kind of worksbut i don't get...
View ArticleRe: タイトラーのみで破線を引く方法?
お早うございます、150kwです。 kio1947さん、いつもリアクションを頂き、ありがとうございます。 「曲線に沿った文字タイトル作成」って方法ですね。お蔭さまで作成できました。私は横線を「アンダーバー」で描いてみました。「ハイフン」よりパスに近い位置で破線を引けますので、より等間隔になりました。...
View ArticleRe: Business Catalyst Site Manager Only Showing Web Forms
I figured it out, I had to click on my name in the right corner within the BC admin. Then click on my details and scroll down and check box the "enable web editing" and save. That made all site manager...
View Articlehow do i convert word to pdf
Two months ago I s signed up for a system cositing.$19.99 a month. I have been unable to even do a simple conversion from word to pdf. Is it me or is the adobe commpany not being user friendly ffor the...
View ArticleRe: how can I batch process files to change name and extention in the latest...
Can't help you with CC, but you cannot change files types by merely changing the extension, regardless of program or version.
View ArticleRe: What are plans for future of Dreamweaver
I sincerely doubt that what your friend heard at that conference was an official Adobe statement. I'm not an Adobe employee but I use their products and I think your friend is misinformed. Adobe...
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