Re: How to transfer pictures from PSE 8 to PSE 12? [was: alle]
Elements 8 is still installed. Following your instructions it appears that all items have been converted but do not appear in 12. I am able to highlight batches and simply drag and drop into 12...
View ArticleRe: why this white space showing When I tried to save as jpg?
There could be a couple of reasons but assuming that the artboard is the right size, in the Save As dialog box, select the Use Artboards option. Also, make sure there is no stray points elsewhere:...
View ArticleDownloaded Acrobat Assistant but the window with language option does not...
Downloaded Acrobat Assistant but the window with language option does not appear and Acrobat Pro II free trial does not download. I have signed in successfully. Why?
View ArticleRe: why i cant select or copy this layers ???
wow its correct very thank you friend !!! i have just one more question !!! in master page i can select and copy all of items !!! but the Header Button can not be selected yet !! do you know where this...
View ArticleRe: I bought Photoshop Elements 12, and I saw that it comes with a Windows...
You can activate the software on a maximum of two computers at the same time. Your serial number works on both Windows and Mac. Your choice on how you mix and match the activations: Win/Win or Mac/Mac...
View ArticleRe: Trying to run Premier Elements 12, but it hangs on first execution
This is about Premiere Pro, but it MAY help ExporterAVI (& ffdshow) Otherwise... From the Premiere Elements Information FAQ...
View ArticleRe: moving LR5 catalog (Irdata & Ircat) to a new hard drive and photos. Lost...
No, do not re-import your images. I assume you can see the thumbnails in the library module, just cannot access the full images, right? If this is the case there should be an exclamation mark in the...
View ArticleRe: vertical scrollbar does not work in a nested dialog
what's not working? what are you trying to do?
View ArticleRe: Quiero instalar LR en un disco nuevo que acabo de instalar en mi...
Adobe: números de teléfono del servicio de atención al cliente y de asistencia técnica de Adobe en todo el mundo
View ArticleRe: Swatch from square-pattern backrgound
Create a single square (e.g.10x10), select it, click Object>Transform>Transform Each and set Move Horizontal to the same value as the square side, in my example 10px. Click Copy. To create...
View Articlehow can I batch process files to change name and extention in the latest...
Hi,The batch process function has changed design recently and I cannot get it to change file names in photoshop cc 2014.I keep getting new layers in the first file to open instead of a renamed batch.I...
View ArticleRe: no puedo cambiar mi pais para pagar
Yo pase por lo mismo, te recomiendo 100% con @adobecare que fueron los que resolvieron mi situación, ni por teléfono ni por chat! no debe ser muy dificil!
View ArticleRe: Burned mov file of finished video as always but on playback there is a...
Thanks for all your help and thorough answers. After trying several thingswithout success, I ultimately just rebooted the system went away. It was such an unusual problem that...
View ArticleHow do I get AdobeExchange_cs6.zxp to open?
When I double click on this file it says Adobe doesn't recognize the file. What can I do to get this to work?
View ArticleRe: My canon 7D won,t import raws.
There is one for Windows 8.1, but apparently not for Windows 8.1 Update 1, so I guess MS hasn’t publishing one this year after Update 1 was released, or maybe Update 1 includes support natively if you...
View ArticleRe: Header on question (Didnt have a title last time)
Basically there are 3 types of web pages:Fixed-width in pixels or ems. Fluid width in %. Semi-Fluid width in px and %. Fluid:==========body {width: 98%} Fixed & centered:===============body...
View ArticleRe: How to transfer pictures from PSE 8 to PSE 12? [was: alle]
Hi, You shouldn't have to drag the images into the version 12. Converting the catalog should preserve all the links. The one thing it will need to do is rebuild all the thumbnails - that may take a...
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