Re: Problems creating a brush
Have you verified there are no clipping masks in the expanded artwork? You can view the artwork in the Layers panel or choose: Select>Object>Clipping Masks to locate the possible culprit. Also,...
View ArticleTwo computers not allowed>
I have read I am allowed to have up to six computers & devices connected to my Digital Editions ID. When I try to add my netbook to my adobe ID it says there is already a computer connected to...
View ArticleRe: I've downloaded Beyond Adobe - Trial Version but, when I try to open it...
This is the Reader forum. Are you sure there is an Adobe program called Beyond Adobe?
View ArticleRe: Adobe Send
Hi Sara, I like sswlost. My file is large (11pgs. total) can't exactly remember megabytes. But for now will use Abode Send Now. Why fix it if not broken? I like Abode SendNow. Never had an issue...
View ArticleIndesign Scripting: How can I move a placed item using Javascript?
Hey all, I have been trying to write a script that places a slug object from an indesign library on to a document and then moves it to my slug area. It all seems to work except the move command. I...
View ArticleRe: Installing and Opening LR5 on MacBookPro
OS 10.9.4 and LR5 was downloaded directly from Adobe. All I get is the LR5 splash logo for about 1 second, it then disappears andnothing happens. Thanks,Jim On Tue, Aug 19, 2014 at 10:41 PM, Geoff...
If you payed for the free Reader, you were swindled. What did you paid for?
View ArticleHow to use library flex sdk with Flash CC?
Flex SDK path:$(AppConfig)/ActionScript 3.0/flex_sdk/4.6Library path:$(AppConfig)/ActionScript 3.0/flex_sdk/4.6/frameworks/libs/mx/mx.swc.The way that i 'm done. But it's trace: 1046: Type was not...
View ArticleHave had Elements 9 on a laptop for several years, would like to install on...
Have had Elements 9 on a laptop for several years, would like to install on a new laptop. Have no account info other than my Adobe ID. How do I do this?
View Articleerror codes 2 and 50
can anyone help me? i have monthly creative cloud membership. creative cloud app wont update and gives error code 2. tried to download latest version of indesign from website and am getting error code...
View ArticleFolio Preview Error with Vertical Articles
I'm attempting to build a basic folio.I keep getting a preview error when I attempt to preview it on an iPad.After several rounds of trial and error I created a brand new folio, allegedly with both a...
View ArticleRe: Locating images
There are two approaches to resolving missing folders/photos: 1. Change catalog to match current location.2. Copy/move files from current location to match catalog. If you want #1, then you must know...
View ArticleRe: no sound on imported files premiere elements 12
sandrakdee .Even if we take the Windows versus Mac out of the matter which we really cannot.... You cannot import .prel files into another Premiere Elements project file (project.prel). "Most of the...
View ArticleCC and Photoshop CC just do not want to properly work.
Okay so this is starting to become a major problem which I am getting stressed out about and it is taking a huge chunk out of my ability to work. OS: Win 7 (x86) Last Thursday I purchased CC and...
View ArticleRe: connect to the internet to validate the serial number
Journal attempt is always the same look and appears to me and will not let me open the program photoshop elements 12
View ArticleRe: Error Code 6; Graphics buffer Underflows. Failed to multiplex.
Background layers were not turned on and didn't show up.I assume you are using a multipage menu as the popup. Only page 0 can have the background in a multi-page menu. I would experiment with a smaller...
View ArticleRe: With Adobe Muse when I make a change I have a second Admin user how do we...
My main question is yes it is the same file on different computer. I make most of the chagnes on mine but when I went back to their computer what do I go into to make sure they have the same chagnes...
View Articlehelp
Im in Australia and cant seem to get my student status verified as all numbers they ask for are not listed on my product
View ArticleConverting from Elements to Photoshop and Lightroom on the Cloud
Hi all, I have an existing Elements Organiser structure (9 I think). Is it possible to upgrade to the Cloud and not lose the Elements filing existing structure? My thinking is that the full version of...
View ArticleRe: trying to download CS5 extended on a new laptop with no disk drive. Do...
contact adobe support to see if they can help you,
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