My AfterEffects is only rendering .mov, souldn't i have more options (like...
i had just installed after effects in my macbook and when i render a composition, the only video format option i have is .mov... what's wrong? shouldn't it give me other video format options (lile...
View ArticleRe: Not possible to start the InDesign CC2014 on my Mac
It is not possible to find either CS6 och CC to download from the Adobe site. If someone have a link I happy to share it.
View ArticleCannot re-install software after receiving Error 16
I tried to re-install Adobe Elements 11 after receiving Error 16. It would not re-install. It sent me an e-mail asking me to verify my e-mail address, clicking on a link which I did. It took me to a...
View ArticleRe: Automating installation of CCP packages for Windows
Sorry for the long delay, I hadn't been paying attention on this forum. I have two kinds of packages using this script. The other one is full CC install and the other one is Acrobat XI only. Both...
View ArticleRe: tables: style so that they show 2 lines
CSS: table { border-collapse:collapse; border:none;} td.red_lines_border { border-top: 1px solid red; border-bottom: 1px solid red;} HTML: <table><tr><td...
View ArticleRe: How do you bleed a photo across a book spine with a "no print" gutter?
There's a thread with this exact discussion from two or three weeks ago. It will come up better in a Google search than a forum search, I expect.
View ArticlePhotoshop CC 2014 crashes on Launching!
i have installed adobe CC complete suit, all the programs are working except Photoshop CC..When opening it the software crashes (im working with windows 8.1 64 bit)what can be the problem and how can i...
View ArticleRe: How can I export an SVG with both RGB and CMYK colors?
The only software that can somewhat open AI files besides Illustrator is CorelDraw X5 (and higher). Try EPS instead. There are quite some software packages that can edit EPS. What are you trying to do...
View ArticleRe: How do I get the buttons on top of the Organizer-window (PSE9) back?
Hi Brian,When I ticked a little box in the window there appeared the percentages above the box. It was set on 100 % (smaller).Besides: could a row of words in the top bar (file, etcetera) change into a...
View ArticleRe: cc Photoshop 2014 update fails error U43M1D206
Thank you for taking the time to help, I appreciate it. I noted the posting in case it helps in future. Unfortunately, didn't help this time. All the other programs update fine - nothing wrong with...
View ArticleRe: Photoshop cc 2014 crashing
I tried running that upgrade advisor and it wouldn't run It said it was incompatible with the version of windows 8?
View ArticleI have photoshop CC and Bridge CC, and CS6 versions, and yet it still wants...
Why, when I have PSCC and Bridge CC already installed and working, yet the desktop CC wants me to install them again, which always fails. Error code 7. I have been trying to get mini bridge into...
View ArticleRe: getting an error when i try and download the free photoshop trial
well.... i figured something was wrong with the website, because when i goto download the free trial it says "We are currently experiencing someissues, please try again later." And three days later, I...
View ArticleRe: how can I change the language of after effect or creative cloud for a...
running After Effects in English, even if you’ve installed and activated it in another language
View ArticleRe: Speech marks turning into TM (Trade Mark) symbols!
Is this an OpenType, TrueType, or Type 1 font? Mac format or Windows (for the TT or T1)? What reader?
View ArticleProblem installing an add-on with Ext Manager
I bought an add-on and am trying to install it to PS CC with Ext Manager. But when I click on the icon to install I'm getting a message that licensing verification failed. What's up?
View ArticleRe: Not possible to start the InDesign CC2014 on my Mac
Open the CC Desktop application, click the Apps tab, scroll down to other apps group at the bottom and change the filter to Previous Versions.
View ArticleRe: Speech marks turning into TM (Trade Mark) symbols!
I am using Adobe reader. The font is just one of the one's available on my MAC. I did a work around by using Ariel font for the speech marks, and it exported just fine. So there is something about...
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