Re: Trouble trying to register Photoshop.Suggestions?
I'm experiencing the same. Have you managed to figure out what's going on. Cheers
View ArticleProblem with music in LR5.4 when creating Slideshows.
I'm trying to add background music. I've selected Audio then an mp3 file (the only file in the directory). LR now tells me "The file is not a valid music file". No sound plays when I Preview the...
View ArticleRe: MULTI GPU ?
Did the link help? Would this pc be a good choice to buy for adobe programms?
View ArticleRe: Adobe Muse only give me the actionscript error message... I tried all...
Hi, This error appears when we try to OPEN the program... we cannot USE Muse AT ALL! This has been causing me a lot of problems for a week already. I have new Retina MacBookPro 15" with OS Maverick,...
View ArticleRe: 「角丸長方形(可変)ツール」の描画で、角Rを円弧の一部のRとしたい
こんばんは、150kwです。 kio1947さん、ご返事ありがとうございます。 ベベルエッジ(やベベルアルファ)は以前は良く使っていたのですが、ピン角になるので硬い感じがして使わなくなりました。2~3年前からは、長方形のストロークを使用しています。こちらは位置合わせがちょっと面倒ですが、複数色使えるし、何よりもRが付き柔らかい感じがしますので気に入っています。
View ArticleRe: Play local videos one after the other
Thanks all for your help. I made 3 short WMV videos then was able to make a playlist that loops It also goes to full screen which is great as well as the eventual videos need to be played full screen...
View ArticleBusiness partner stole my CS5.5 Design Premium CDs and serial
Hello, As the topic suggests, I had a business partner walk off with the CDs and serial number. All I have left is the box. Luckily I had the product registered so I am able to get the downloads and...
View ArticleI have purchased Adobe Reader Order Number AD002166443UK but it does not...
I have purchased Adobe Reader but when I try to open a document sent in pdf form I cannot open it up at all. Where am I going wrong? Chris
View ArticleRe: Weird behaviour with Xerox Colorqube 8570
Nope - Xerox insisted it must be InDesign rather than their drivers. So I basically waste 4 or 5 cardsworking out how much bigger images and text needs to be and positioning.
View ArticleHow to check if dynamic multiline textfield is empty
Hello everyone. my question is pretty simple allthough i can't find a correct answer..I want to be able to check if a multiline textfield is empty or not.i have tried this but without result. if...
View ArticleRe: hello! guys i have a litle problem i want when click on submenu, main...
Hello guy it's still not working for me I try with the z-index the sub menu still not working on Chrome do you guys have any other ideas how to fix this thanks for helping me JL.
View ArticleRe: how do i secure documents before sending out
Ok, the only reason you can open your other files is because it is your computer. These other files don't go with the PDF you email.
View ArticleRe: Muse Script Errors During Startup. Also Dreamweaver and Premiere Pro...
Hi Preran, The issue with Muse is still unsolved. I reinstalled every piece of Adobe software I had in my machine and it still does not work...
View ArticleRe: Customizing the Email Subscriber Box. Can someone give tips or advice on...
Go to modulestylesheets.css line 1427 and find this code: .search-box input.cat_textbox_small { 1. border-width: 1px; 2. border-style: solid; 3. border-color: #DDDDDD; 4. background-color:...
View ArticleRe: How do I detect the presence of an open file in Photoshop?
Many thanks — I tried it and it works!
View ArticleRe: I don't see responsive scaling on the property stage>>> how can I add that
Hi besyldiz, Does this help? Thanks,Preran
View ArticleRe: How can I correct the path to group of image links?
How to try file>package the file and all images collect on links folder on the package folder file, then open indesign file from there.
View ArticleRe: how to startup required version of photoshop in script?
Hello, I got a hint of correct syntax from your answer.#target "photoshop-55.032" as I am using on Mac. ThanksVirender
View ArticleRe: Warum schließt sich die Lücke beim Löschen eines Clipteils nicht...
Dear ATR, here now the 4 screenshots as jpeg-files. If the files are too large, I must try it again with one oft hem. I hope you can use them now. Best regards TO Von: A.T. Romano Gesendet:...
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