Re: Adobe Premiere Pro CC 2019 quit unexpectedly.
Hello, Sorry for the late response, I didn't know you replied. Both 2018 and 2019 PPro still don't open on my (new MacBook) laptop, here's the Problem Details for 2019 (just below). The Problem Details...
View ArticleRe: Adobe Captivate 9 Software Simulation Issue With High Density Display in...
I tried walking through your steps. I put the update NotePad file in the Installer folder, and relaunched Captivate and getting the same issue. Please help! My company just got captivate against my...
View ArticleRe: How Do I create new Catalogs from within a MAIN catalog?
Yeah, I think you're going to regret breaking up a catalog. But if you must, you had better come up with a good plan for keeping track of where you have your images. I don't know if you synchronize any...
View ArticleHow do I convert rich black text to 100%K?
I am preparing ads for a print publication. I am trying to change small rich black text to 100% K. I use the editing tools and set the sliders to 100% K but it just changes the text to RGB after I...
View ArticleRe: CF 11 rich text editor- image upload
Coldfusion definitely does work with word documents. You can create a word doc using Coldfusion. I know that you can save images, I need to integrate saving images within the content of a text editor.
View ArticleRe: Acrobat Pro DC Textfelder addieren die ein bestimmten Text beinhalten
View ArticleRe: InDesing - "Out of memory" Issue
But there would be zero need to "RIP" the page into pixels. Where exactly are they printing the bitmap from? Photoshop? If the driver can print from Photoshop then it can also print from Acrobat. Also...
View ArticleRe: Dehaze Missing
Also please note that in Lightroom CC2015.14 the Dehaze slider is under Effects, not in the Basic tab under Presence. The move to the Basic tab took place with Lightroom Classic 7.3.
View ArticleRe: How do I convert rich black text to 100%K?
This question is about a PFD in Acrobat CD.
View ArticleDownload pending time in Workspace
Hi, When you use Workspace in Adobe Analytics , there is a long download pending time for pdf extractions from Workspace like nearly 3-4 minutes. Do anyone have any solution for this? Thanks.
View ArticleRe: Trying to open a .wav file, and keep getting Error Code: 65
I'm slightly intrigued by it needing to be opened with libsndfile. That's only usually necessary when you have a different format file in a wav container, or some other strange variation of file. When...
View ArticleRe: Flash Player Blocked!
All browser vendors block Flash by default. See Flash Player Help for assistance.If the instructions on that page don't resolve the issue, provide the following information: Operating system...
View ArticleRoboHelp - Responsive HTML5 Ouptut Integration Error - "Uncaught Reference...
Hello,I am getting error on integrating the Responsive HTML5 output. Please help me out in solving this issue. Please let me know if any other detail is needed. Thanks,Ahmed
View ArticleRe: ¿Adquirir un bono o licencia para activa el modulo revelado en Lightroom 6?
Gracias,Respecto a los Raw, supongo que la cámara es muy reciente y lightroom 6 no reconoce ese modelo mas moderno.
View ArticleRe: Adobe Captivate 9 Software Simulation Issue With High Density Display in...
Which version? No CP9 like mentioned in the title here?
View ArticleRe: Correct Photo Anomaly
Oooo! Unfortunately, the woman in the photo sent it to me as a .jpg file. If I'm going to ask her to re-scan it at 600pdi, I'll just ask her to either retake that photo or send me different one. I'm...
View ArticleRe: colors don't match from Illustrator
I Agree with Nick28 - check to see that your file's color profile is RGB and not CMYK in AI
View ArticleRe: How do I convert rich black text to 100%K?
Acrobat Pro DC. Think I am dyslexic today.
View ArticleRe: Trying to open a .wav file, and keep getting Error Code: 65
The file comes from our VOIP system – Qfinity. We were previously using Goldwave to be able to edit these files, but it quit working as we upgraded from Win7 to Win10. I was hoping that we’d be able to...
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