Dreamweaver crashes on launch in Catalina
Has anyone gotten Dreamweaver to load in Mac OS Catalina? Any tips to get to load? It crashes for me upon launch. Thanks!!
View ArticleRe: Bulk import xmp sidecars with raw
I know it's working and the question was answered, but there's a problem with it. If you had copies of one photo with multiple different edits, saved with sidecar files; LR will import only one pair...
View ArticleRe: Help setting up pdf proofs
I see this differently to both Derek and Randy. I think that brianl74528239 is looking for something that will combine the original InDesign artwork onto a "proofing sheet" template that will contain...
View ArticleTin Can outputing question results and Course pass / fail
I am using Presenter 11.1 build 189 and publishing to tin can. I am only getting the "experience" verb published to my LRS. The experience statements are not including pass/fail information at the...
View ArticleRe: Installing Encore with CC is no longer available
If you put the CS6 files on your computer and install it, it'll likely give you 2 or 3 options on how you'd like to activate it. Your serial key would be ideal. But if not, you might get a prompt to...
View ArticleRe: Help setting up pdf proofs
Brian, we're all guessing here. What are you looking for in a proof solution?
View ArticleRe: Lightroom poor performance
One thing I overlooked, Library standard previews. Yes, I know, your in Develop, but at some point those standard previews get updated, how large have you set them in catalog settings?...
View Article? I have four different Bridge CC Cache folders in my library (Mac). One is...
? I have four different Bridge CC Cache folders in my library (Mac). One is them is taking up 85 GB in disk space. WHY???
View ArticleRe: Lightroom is slow it is unworkable...
One thing I overlooked, Library standard previews. Yes, I know, your in Develop, but at some point those standard previews get updated, how large have you set them in catalog settings?...
View ArticleRe: Lightroom 8.3.1 on Mac painfully slow?
One thing I overlooked, Library standard previews. Yes, I know, your in Develop, but at some point those standard previews get updated, how large have you set them in catalog settings?...
View ArticleID crashes inserting a symbol as an index reference
I tried a dozen times to insert a symbol as an index reference in ID 2018 (version 14.02) and ID crahes. It used to work in previous versions. The symbol header is missing in the index panel.
View ArticleRe: Lightroom 8.3.1 on Mac painfully slow?
One thing I overlooked, Library standard previews. Yes, I know, your in Develop, but at some point those standard previews get updated, how large have you set them in catalog settings?...
View ArticleRe: extremely under exposed
unfortunately, it looks like jpeg . not sure how my RAW setting was changed . I have adobe P.S. and lightroom
View ArticleRe: Lightroom 8.3 unbearably slow on 2019 iMac
One thing I overlooked, Library standard previews. Yes, I know, your in Develop, but at some point those standard previews get updated, how large have you set them in catalog settings?...
View ArticleRe: can you make children or old people using fuse
thats pretty good... I would just make the head about 15% smaller
View ArticleRe: Best Website for Designs & Templates for Political print ads
Jane, while I totally agree with you, I'm trying NOT to start a political discussion in reply to a question about how to create advertisements for politicians.
View ArticleRe: Problem setting up Facebook in publishing services
If your Facebook is a normal user account, not a corprate account (like those used to seel things) then the Publishing Plugin will not work. DO NOT BLAME ADOBE. This was caused by Facebook. A policy at...
View ArticleRe: content aware fill in after effects
well i have another computer in the house that has much more ram memory then the 8.00 this one has should i try my subscription member on that one? it allows me to have adobe creative cloud on two...
View ArticleRe: Adobe Acrobat Pro XI Download
Having exactly the same problem with trying to get a re-install file from Adobe for Acrobat Pro XI. Their records for my account show the serial number I have as registered. However, when I try to...
View ArticleRe: Muse Websites Not Displaying on Chrome (Mobile)
the best you can hope for is a temp patch... Muse is end of life guys... stop using it!
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