Re: ID crashes inserting a symbol as an index reference
I'd start by restoring your InDesign preferences. Here's how: Set preferences in Adobe InDesign
View ArticleRe: Problem setting up Facebook in publishing services
To publish to Facebook, create a folder to store JPEG images in for the purpose of posting at Facebook. Then export your work as JPEG images at apporiate resolution and color depth (sRGB) Then in...
View ArticleRe: Not enough memory when exporting, even though there is still memory left...
I posted this elsewhere but I think it is of relevance here as well. I did a quantitative test. Such a test seems to be lacking on discussion pages re LR memory needs and performance. My computer:...
View ArticleRe: Problem setting up Facebook in publishing services
As for e-mail. Probably depends on what e-mail client you use.
View ArticleRe: Menu still showed on screen even after closed the photoshop
What makes you think you’ve Closed Photoshop?
View Articlefunny characters
I keep getting funny characters when I allow the program to convert pages in a pdf into an editable format. In fact, a lot of my characters are converted into squares with x's inside. I then have to...
View ArticleRe: Problem setting up Facebook in publishing services
How to publish photos from Photoshop Lightroom Classic to Adobe Stock and social media How to Email Photos Directly from Lightroom | Laura Shoe's Lightroom Training Tutorials and Tips How to Email...
View ArticleAlign two layers or objects in Photoshop
Hi, I try to figure out how to align two layers, groups or objects in Photoshop. Below is what I try to do: 1. Select the first layer, group or object. 2. Press Ctrl and select the second layer, group...
View ArticleRe: Menu still showed on screen even after closed the photoshop
Your screen capture shows Photoshop is open the home workspace is visible and Photoshop Adjustment Palette is visible over the Home workspace. My screen capture like that would capture what is on both...
View ArticleRe: Acrobat 2017 freezes when trying to bring up a Windows Expolorer window
After reading your post a few times, I think you have to make Adobe Acrobat the default PDF viewer/reader. Microsoft Windows 10 uses Microsoft Edge as the default PDF handler/viewer. As you may already...
View ArticleRe: Returning to a prior layer to do additional retouching
Check the tool options (sample current layer, all layers, current & below), perhaps reset the tool. Check the targeted layer, visibility and or image or mask channel. Check for active selections....
View ArticleRe: Beach Ball
Hello, See if the links below offers a solution to your case: Spinning beachball - Acrobat Pro DC (not responding) And here:Acrobat DC - Spinning Beachball when opening files
View ArticleRe: Lightroom CC Export Lightens My Photo
Lightening the photo on export just started for me. It has never been a problem before. Top, as edited, intentionally darker to try to correct the lightening issue. Bottom, the exported file Both...
View ArticleRe: Photos synced to mobile look different
Perhaps: Why your pictures can look weird on mobile devices (and how to fix them) - Analog Senses and Photos exported from lightroom looks different on pc and iphone
View ArticleRe: Align two layers or objects in Photoshop
Make a selection of where you want to align layers relative to. A single pixel, the Canvas an area over the canvas. Then target a layer or layers and use menus Layer>Align Layers to...
View ArticleRe: Image processor problem in photoshop cc
You need to show exactly what you have set the Imager Process dialog. Capture the screen, Show the Message you get capture that screen. Show a screen capture of the files listed in the folder you set...
View ArticleRe: Selecting from nearly identical background color
If you lookind for an automate selection you need to find some way to make Photosho displaye the image whih cause the background to have great contrast with the images subject. You need to create...
View ArticleTrack listener ids in JSFL between external script executions from AS3
An eventListener has been created in a .jsfl script. Is it possible to call removeEventListener from AS3 to remove that listener? As far as I can determine, it's impossible to keep track of (and...
View ArticleRe: Create a new "Asset Report" template?
The first link: Asset Reports This is what I used to generate the first report. As I mentioned, I find it's a lot of work to add in all the custom fields in order to create the report that I need, and...
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