Re: srtで読み込んだ字幕を縦書きに変更したい
こんにちは、wakame-maruさん 縦書きではなく、上下方向をずらして表示させる方法はいかがでしょうか。既にご検討済みの場合はごめんなさい。「キャプション」パネルの下図赤枠部で字幕位置の編集ができます。※srtファイルによっては編集できない場合もあるようです。試したところ、その場合は字幕をPremiere Proからsrtファイルで書き出し、それを読み込むと編集できるようになりました。
View ArticleRe: Looking for White Window Workaround plugin
Hi, I don't know if you still need it, but I just put it in a public folder on my Dropbox: Dropbox - - Simplify your life Hope it helps
View ArticleRe: Roto Brush sticks on
this response is the solution! Every time you paint a stroke after effects saves that stroke information. It stores quite a bit of data along with it, and you can modify each stroke you make...
View ArticleRe: Align two layers or objects in Photoshop
Hi, JJMack, Thank you for the solution. Now my problem is how to create a selection for a specific layer. It is possible to select a layer by clicking the layer in the "Layers" window, but that will...
View ArticleResetting a line of form fields with multiple resets per page, and on spawned...
Hi..newbie to the forums as well as javascript in a pdf. I have a pdf with some very specific functionality...One of the pages has a form, with 10 different rows of data that each have their own reset...
View ArticleCan't Activate Millesime Bold Font
I had this font activated, but with one of the last few CC updates as well as updates to different apps, I can't reactivate Millesime Bold. I have no idea why that particular font fact won't activate....
View ArticleRe: content aware fill in after effects
I reported your post, your photo actually. Nothing to do with homophobia so you should stop pitying yourself or whatever it is that you're doing to make yourself feel important or different. The gist...
View ArticleRe: Lightroom Classic Export Lightens My Photo
How are you viewing the images after you export them?Many image viewers, especially Microsoft's, are not color managed.
View ArticleHow to debug JSPs in an AEM custom errorhandler?
setup: 1. a local instance of author (running on 4502 and debugging port on 8000) and publisher (running on 4503 and debugging port on 8002)2. used this guide (Debug an AEM app using eclipse ) to setup...
View ArticleSend Error
Why am I gettingSend for Signature could not send error? I have uninstalled and reinstalled the app and still getting the same error message. Please help. I have documents that I need to get signed.
View ArticleRe: How do you create and highlight karaoke text but as tabs?
What you’re asking for as far as having text highlight would probably be most easily and quickly accomplished in After Effects.
View ArticleRe: content aware fill in after effects
you do realize there are parents that are of same sex so when your saying that this is to not offend children you just insulted same sex parents of two dads or two moms
View ArticleRe: content aware fill in after effects
and you just stated that a same sex kiss is not child friendly so just image how many potential same sex dads you just insulted just now of saying that them kissing is adult content
View ArticleRe: lrprev files in dropbox
If you make a decision to move from Lightroom Classic to Lightroom (the Cloud-Based service) this will ultimately result in all your Original Photos being uploaded to the Adobe Creative Cloud storage...
View ArticleRe: content aware fill in after effects
if this was a man and women doing a kiss you would allow it so don't even try and lie to yourself or me
View ArticleRe: content aware fill in after effects
same sex parents exist! how do you think they would feel when your saying this content is not appropriate around children? you just made it look like to them and me that a same sex kiss is adult...
View ArticleRe: Can't Activate Millesime Bold Font
Well after deactivating it and activating it again many times,It's resolved the issue with Millesime Bold, but now I can't get Montana Bold to work. It's active in my Adobe Fonts. But it's showing...
View ArticleRe: content aware fill in after effects
also thank you for revealing your self i will be bringing your name up to adobe corporate number because last time i checked same sex parents showing innocent affection inst adult content
View ArticleRe: content aware fill in after effects
i am sick and tired that you see an opposite sex kiss is child friendly but a same sex kiss borderline pornography
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