Re: content aware fill in after effects
also their are gay children i was kissing boys at the age of 7 sir so you basically just insulted gay children their are gay children that might like to see a same sex kiss to feel that they are normal...
View ArticleRe: Acrobat DC Crash on MacOS Mojave 10.14
Same. MacbookPro, latest OS, latest Acrobat DC update, crashes after 15 seconds... been like that for months. Trying restarting, reinstalling, erasing preferences, used the stupid cleaner tool, removed...
View ArticleRe: Invalid file start code
Hi there! Do I do this through File > Export > Puppet (it's greyed out), or is there another way I can share it?
View ArticleRe: content aware fill in after effects
um theirs gay YouTube videos all the time id do my research before talking out to someone
View ArticleRe: Marking Anchor Point Set Distance on a Curved Path?
are those fashion patterns? here's another way that yields accurate results make a copy of the segment you want to add the 3" notch to (or just make a cut the 3" starting anchor then re join when done)...
View ArticleRe: Hopefully more simple than im making it: Text effect question/trk matte...
This is definitely the most practical way.
View ArticleRe: Photo Merge Suddenly Taking Hours
MPB plugged in or not, there is no change in the non performance. Just also saw another thread in this direction, so it seems something we all experience. I did install also everything again, still the...
View ArticleRe: Perspective Text? How to create this?
In Photoshop, you'll need to use a combination of Transform tools.Rotate, perspective, skew & distort.
View ArticleRe: Framemaker 2019 HTML5 publishing downscales my images
There are publishing settings for HTML5 (at least in 2015 FM) that allows you to control a "preferred width" of the images. As well as an option to "Generate Images in Distiller". I am not sure if they...
View ArticleRe: I can't launch Adobe XD
See system requirements.Adobe XD System requirements See this related discussionAdobe XD won't start on new machine (Windows 10)
View ArticleRe: one objects put into multiple layers?
Hey,That's what I want. Thanks a lot. I didn't know that the select->same/object could do this job! That's pretty amazing. I have no idea how it could recognize the similar object. Like a vectorized...
View Articlequestion saving images in LR for blurb book
I just made my first blurb book through LR. when I was exporting the book to blurb, it said there were 3 images that had transparency and would not be included in the book. When I googled this issue,...
View ArticleRe: Premiere pro Workspace not saving.
Figured I'd chime in here. I too have been following this issue, for what I want to say is 2+ years or so at this point. Was pretty frustrating even after multiple clean reinstalls, but I've managed to...
View ArticleRe: Query dimension + date + minute in 1 API call
1. Yes! please use something like this: { "rsid": "your report suite id", "globalFilters": [ { "type": "dateRange", "dateRange":...
View ArticleRe: Premiere pro Workspace not saving.
No problem! I can't say this is with any certainty what is going on, but if it is a contributing factor I'd love to say that finally 2 years later there's some sort of grasp of what the heck is going...
View ArticleRe: ライセンス認証の解除を碍げる接続エラー
CS4自体は認証解除のみ行えない状況になっていますので、解除するのはあきらめて、別環境にそのままインストールを行ってください。認証台数の超過メッセージが出た場合のみ、チャットサポートに認証台数調整の依頼を行うことになります。 なおCS4の動作保証はWindows 7が最終なので、それ以降のOS利用の場合は動作保証外扱いになります。
View ArticleRe: デスクの書き込み時に、「レコーダーが見つからない」が出る
こんにちは メニュー付き(下図メニューを使用)4分のコンテンツをDVDへ書き出し出来ました。レコーダーで再生し、テレビで視聴出来ました。メニューも正常に動作しました。※私が購入したのは、昨年のモデルですので最新モデルは型番等が変更になっているかも知れません。
View ArticleRe: Touch UI clears multifield text on mobile
smacdonald2008 I am trying to understand how the Granite Multifield works. We have a similar use case and are trying to apply logic similar to what is seen here and this HelpX tutorial:...
View ArticleRe: Text boxes have disappeared in Premiere Pro
At times 150% or 200% can work but not 125% or 175%. You can try those. Neil
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