ist es möglich photoshop cc und photoshop 2014 zusammenzulegen?
ist es möglich photoshop cc und photoshop 2014 zusammenzulegen?
View ArticleRe: CC 2014 - Go to Previous Edit Point gone?
Have you looked in your Button Editor? Here's an article that goes into details about the ability to customize the buttons in Premiere Pro....
View ArticleRe: Error when uploading to App Store using Application Loader
View ArticleRe: QR Code Datamerge?
Thank you so much for posting the missing pieces. I have been doing data merge QR codes in the past but with plugins and workarounds so I was very excited to see this as an new feature. But as with all...
View ArticleRe: When will the Android version of lightroom mobile be released?
This is to me a disturbing trend, Adobe's two most important (for my work) mobile apps LR and Live Logger are only ported for Apple devices. Popping for a new ipad just so I can use either is only a...
View ArticleRe: Creating an Ecommerce site in dreamweaver
Use XAMPP, put your site inside the htdocs folder on a folder, iniciate xampp and go to site settings and add xampp as your local network testing server, define the folder you created on xampp htdocs...
View ArticleRe: Speedgrade 2014 CRASHES and won't even start!
It doesn't help for me. Very strange. Previous SpeedGrade CC works fine.
View ArticleRe: I cannot update Camera Raw to version 8.5 when updating Photoohop CC 2014
Vismay finally got the help he needed and all we did was replace the plug in file in Adobe's folder in my Mac's Application Support folder. If Vismay had told me that's all we needed to do, I could...
View ArticleRe: I can't download Adobe Flash Builder at all.
i tried the link with chrom and ie and still get errors...such an easy task and i can't download
View ArticleRe: Flash Player Prompting to Update with Auto Updates Disabled
Great news ALL! I have had an open case with Adobe Support for a better part of June and I just received confirmation the Adobe Engineering team is able to replicate the issue. They have logged a high...
View ArticleRe: I'm new to RoboHelp 11. How do I insert an image into my project?
Images are only "visible" inside the project once they are referenced by it. For example, if you add an image to a topic. Until then all unreferenced images are only displayed in the Unused Files...
View ArticleMuse CC 2014 - Does not update properly changes on websites in preview and...
Hi, I am working in a project on Muse CC 2014 and everything in the designer view works pretty well, but when I make change to colors, fonts, menus, etc and click preview, I cant see my changes,...
View ArticleRe: scrubby value boxes, drag zooming
I agree with the "Scrubby Values" request and have entered it as a "Feature Request". It is much faster than using arrow keys, typing a value or selecting from the pull-down menu. I have never gotten...
View ArticleEdge animate - Not working why ???
Hello all i just downloaded edge animate and this is what i get.some kind of error. someone know whats the problem ?? thanx
View ArticleRe: How do you create a glowing vector outline on an object?
Note both Mike's suggestions are followed up by Live Trace. That's because there really is no such thing as a "glowing vector outline." You gain nothing by applying the glow effect in Illustrator...
View ArticleRe: Photoshop (2014) Extensions greyed out, extension manager not recognizing...
Could it be that you checked the menu right after the PS started? Because Extensions is available in 3-5 seconds after PS starts. Anyway, at least osx version doesnt grey out Extensions menu if there...
View ArticleRe: installed latest muse update, now shows creative cloud window with...
Excellent thank you for the update Mike!
View ArticleRe: Pasted Content doesn't show up on Canvas or is at the very Edge of it
Please show before and after, layer panel etc.
View ArticleRe: Tile image to fill frame?
To jump onto fast lane with datamerge you should have all the graphic content final before merge. All the images should fit just like you want them in your merge window. Those which need to be cloned...
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