Re: Testing SCORM?
I know you posted this in 2007, but I hope you're still here and can address this. Having same problem, but for HTML5 in Rustici SCORM Cloud. I don't see these variables exported in js. Is there...
View ArticleThe taskbar does not hide after update Flash Player to version
A few days ago I made some changes on my notebook with Window 7.It would include the update of Flash Player.Later I found out that the function of hiding the taskbar does not work.Yesterday I made the...
View ArticleRe: Any Adobe app won't start - clean install
Thank you Jeff, it worked. They really helped me out and I am greatfull to you and to them.
View ArticleI have downloaded Lr 4.4 on my Laptop in 2013. No I have a new desktop...
I have downloaded Lr 4.4 on my Laptop in 2013. No I have a new desktop computer. I can enter my konto , have available my serial number but cant find a download possibility. Can you provide me with a...
View ArticleRe: Every time i try to sign in in creative cloud, it tells me '' You're exit...
Sign Out When Sign In may help-and 'looping'...
View ArticleRe: Creative Cloud keeps forgetting about my Lightroom installation
d-r-s, I just wanted to let you know you aren't the only one having this problem. This is the third time it has happened to me, and I am only now starting to catch on that it seems to happen when a new...
View ArticleRe: LR 5.5 startet nicht
WEr soll dazu was sagen? Null technische Informationen.... Mylenium
View ArticleRe: Slow photoshop
When you're seeing problems with zooming, does your open document contain any text layers?
View ArticleRe: Downloading quit after 42%
Hello RaveThanks for your answer but there no "caps" file in library/application support/adobe fileRegardsdebase350 Le 26 juin 2014 à 15:32, Rave a écrit : Downloading quit after 42%created by Rave in...
View ArticleRe: How to populate table rows with selected listbox items?
So you're considering the fact the if the user clicks the button twice, the name will appear twice and you don't want this, right?Then you must check if any value is the same than the one you are about...
View ArticleRe: "Add Clip Marker" gone?
Hi PictureSound,Make sure you go to Keyboard Shortcuts and set a custom shortcut for "Show Clip Marker," then enable it. Thanks,Kevin
View ArticleRe: Photoshop not printing: error message
Since going to Maverick my PSE10 is now incompatible with Canon plug ins EZRP101 & 102 . On trying to install these plug ins the message comes up that "This version of photoshop is not compatible"...
View ArticleRe: Can't download Premir Pro. My adobe crative cloud dosn't show me PREMIER...
thank yoU Ann. So what can I do?If I try to make the download from Adobe website it says " download processing".. but.. forever.then download never start
View Articledesktop app shell comes up but there are no apps, what to do?
My desk top app won't launch I downloaded it again but still no apps show up. What should I do?
View ArticleRe: Syncing my workspaces [settings] from PSCC and AICC to PS2014 and AI2014...
on 247,Thank you. Photoshop 2014 migrated.
View ArticleRe: Register products you get off Adobe Creative Cloud
So you can't register apps you download from Adobe Creative Cloud?
View ArticleRe: When I export an .jpg from Photoshop, the colors doesn't match with my...
Is the issue that the exported .JPG does not Match the .PSD file? What Color Model are you selecting when you export the PSD from Illustrator?Illustrator defaults to CMYK, if you export a CMYK image...
View ArticleRe: Javascipt for Tri State Button Please Help
Here's a link demo PDF that shows several similar approachs to this problem: It uses a button/text field pair to give the composite field a...
View ArticleRe: serious error
Seeker 64 Your thread seems to have detoured, apparently to your disadvantage...first posting in the wrong forum and more recently havingothers join your thread. It is now June 16, 2014. This thread...
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