Updates to a Shared Folio
According to the documentation, Whenever you update an article in the shared folio, recipients are notified that an update is available when they open the library in the Adobe Content Viewer. What...
View ArticleRe: Is it possible to put in a high-low range (for example, a 95 percent...
So, this isn't my image, but I'm trying to do something like this: http://udel.edu/~mcdonald/statpix/statgraphcalc4.gif The only difference is that the graph above has vertical bars, while I'm going to...
View ArticleRe: I have CS 3 and I am looking for a up date for Photoshop. Can you tell me...
I am using my PC, and I have windows 7. But I have the Full verson of Adobe Creative Suite 3
View ArticleRe: ColdFusion Builder 3 Settings Reset on Restart
CFB3 is installed natively on my Macbook Pro. The CF10 instance I was connecting to is installed in a Windows Server 2012 virtual machine running on VMWare.
View ArticleRe: My desktop was stolen and my laptop hard drive failed, now I cannot...
You need to contact Adobe Support either by chat or via phone when you have serial number and activation issues involving inaccessible machines. Here is a link to a page with options to help make...
View ArticleRe: Is there a collection size limit in Lightroom Mobile?
Michele,For each collection that you are trying to sync can you select the collection and then try to rearrange the photos in that collection? You may have to restart Lightroom once done as well -...
View ArticleRe: Help please. Is Photoshop Elements 12 fully compatible on Apple Mac OS...
That's great advice Ned. Hadn't thought of that, so many thanks for the link to the free trial.
View ArticlePreview of Responsive Project Does not work right
I have designed a Responsive Project in Captivate (8) and when I go to preview it, it does not look the same as it does in Captivate in my browser, and the "continue" button I have appear once the...
View Articledo you have to already own photoshop on your computer to have access to it in...
I dont really know how this is supposed to work. Can someone please explain it to me. Do I have to buy photoshop all over again or was it supposed to download an updated version when I got CC?
View ArticleHow to change article order with path-based sidecar.xml
I see that the <entry> tag controls where an article appears in the folio:"The order of the <entry> sections determines the order of the articles in your folio when you create your folio or...
View ArticleRe: Stroke on outlined text does not enlarge correctly using transform window
True, but unfortunately I am not designing the file I am working on. The ones I get usually will have the fonts already converted to outlines. At least I can still size them using the scaling tool...
View ArticleUpgraded to CC 2014 and Media Encoder doesn't work now.
Using a mac with mavericks, all updated. Upgraded to Premiere Pro CC 2014 and Media Encoder CC 2014. But when I want to launch it... it won't open. Help?
View ArticleRe: Is it possible to put in a high-low range (for example, a 95 percent...
Also - I need to do around 90+ of these, so having an automatic way to do this would be amazing.
View ArticleEvery time I try to open Adobe Premiere Elements, it crashes upon startup....
How can I stop this from happening?
View ArticleHow to convert Images in PDF to Microsoft Word text Properly
I have images in PDF and when I try to convert it to Microsoft word, the "check marks (wingdings)" turn into the letter "D" and the rest have a lot of misspelled words.
View ArticleRe: I just bought Photoshop elements 12, installation was no problem,...
Hi, This weekend is a big weekend in the Netherlands. Well, it is if you follow MotoGP - racing from Assen this Saturday. Good luck Brian
View ArticleRe: Help please. Is Photoshop Elements 12 fully compatible on Apple Mac OS...
You're welcome. If you are happy with how things work out then you do not need to uninstall the trial. You can activate it to full use with the serial number you will receive with your purchase.
View ArticlePremiere Pro CC 2014 won't play anything.
Today I launched up a brand new install of Premiere Pro CC 2014 (it's a trial) on a brand new iMac (3.5 GHz intel Core i7, 32 GB RAM, NVIDIA GeForce GTX 780M 4096 MB) and my project that was working...
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