Re: Why do I get this message when I try to open a RAW file (from my Canon 5D...
Take a break and try again later. Someone will still be here to give you a hand.
View ArticleMy computer crashed and I lost my Acrobat Installation CD - how can I install...
I cannot locate my Acrobat Installation CD and my laptop where it was installed keeps crashing (Blue Screen) so I want to get it fixed which will require that I will need to reinstall all my software....
View ArticleRe: When adding text in XI Pro, some characters appear and some don't. A...
I don’t know the font. (One of our other employees had experienced the problem.) We did discover that if we saved the document and then reopened it, the text was all there. You may close this...
View ArticleRe: How is the glossary widget useful when the slide won't stop?
Yep, I see it all the time in my Captivate classes. Participants seem to always want to preview that way and it's so seldom the way to preview as all it does is give you an idea as to the slide timing....
View ArticleRe: import matching raw files?
The benefit of importing jpegs-only for organizing is independent of the software. jpegs occupy 1/3 the size, and that means I can keep 3 times more pictures in my laptop library. I find that valuable....
View ArticleRe: InDesign CS 5.5 Tagged Reading Order Incorrect in Acrobat X
Frame Reporter works, as the others have said. But it's cumbersome on long documents. Adobe, if you're listening, you need to fix this, as it's been a problem since 2012. Why have an Articles palette...
View ArticlePSE Version 8. Error message 150:30
I have an iMac running OSx 10.9.3 and Photoshop Elements v8. However, when I attempted to open the program today I received a message saying the following: Licensing for this product has stopped...
View ArticleVideo Intro
Hey guys. I was wondering if anybody could make me a video intro for my Youtube Gaming Channel. I am new to this and don't know how to make a good one. Since my channel is gaming, I would like my intro...
View ArticleRe: Offensive community username needs changing. PLEASE HELP
You should not only change your Screen Name, but your password, if someone was able to change your screen name without your permission.
View ArticleRe: I am having issues with Muse 2014
Zak Muse is freezing up to the point that I can not use it. It is not a system issue both systems exceed the minimum system requirements. I was told that it is an issue to do with my use of embedded...
View ArticleJPEG, PNG, TGA, PDF changes hex color from PSD
I work for a company where the CEO is very into brand colors. He has the hex values of all the branded colors memorized. One of the branded colors is blue ( hex: 0039a6 ). Obviously, if he looks at my...
View ArticleRe: Cant Associate php files with Dreamweaver
Change which programs Windows uses by default - Windows Help Nancy O.
View ArticleRe: I am using Acrobat Pro 9.5.5 on Windows 8.1. I cannnot print an oversize...
Not sure if it's related but you should be aware this is a non-supported set up. Only Acrobat XI is supported on Windows 8.1.
View ArticleWeird 4k playback issue with Open CL
So I am in premiere CC 2014 and just installed an AMD r9 280 3 gb card. When I hit play on my 4k timline 1/4 res my CPU goes to 100% with terrible playback like 3 fps. The GPU at this point is idle...
View ArticleRe: Add stroke to symbol that already has one? Help please
In the stroke pallet, there is an option to align stroke to inside or outside. You can see in my screen shot that I had one of my strokes aligned to inside and the other to the outside.
View ArticleRe: migrate CS5
Hi Nancy, Building onto what rave mentioned, make sure when you reinstall the product you use the correct download for your product.I mean for CS5 products the download for Retails (Single User)...
View ArticleRe: Cant Associate php files with Dreamweaver
Are your PHP files associated with an older ver of DW (CS6 or CC13)? Nancy O.
View ArticleRe: reveal pages when checkbox is selected?
Well since I answered my own question, I thought I'd put the answer here just in case someone else can use it. First, some griping about LiveCycle: (you have to put up with this because this product is...
View ArticleIntermittent flickering on the ultra-Key Effect in Premiere CC 2014
Hello,I opened an Project from Adobe Premiere CC 7 in Premiere CC 2014.In this project I use the ultra-key effect. Now in Version 2014 I can't export a movie without intermittent flickering of the...
View ArticleUpdating from InDesign CS5.5 to CS6?
How does it work? What about the prices?I could not found any information about the updating-routine from the older version CS5.5 just tu CS6 (not to the Cloud-version).Any suggestions anyone? thx a...
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