Re: How is the glossary widget useful when the slide won't stop?
Hmmm, so maybe they should rename that control 'Play Slide (except everything you want to see on the slide)
View ArticleRe: cs6 disk how many uses
You can use the CS6 software on an infinite number of computers that use the same software platform (Windows or Mac, but not both). However, you may only have two software activations at once. So you...
View ArticleRe: Acrobat X Pro - Page Scaling Document Property
There is no way to set that preference with JavaScript.
View ArticleRe: Premiere Elements 10 -- no video playback in project or preview unless...
Eelco van Vliet What was the computer's video card/graphics card when Premiere Elements 10 was working for you in Windows 8 (presumed 64 bit)? Have you had the opportunity to try to work with Premiere...
View ArticleRe: Hello. Imported .nef files export a batch of them as jpeg under 4mb they...
Faststone Image Viewer displays the embedded JPEG preview inside the raw NEF file. The in-camera processed preview has default NR and Sharpening applied, which appears to be more aggressive than what...
View ArticleRe: Disable automatic color space compression on CinemaDNG files
Based on some brief testing, clips which have strong coloration in partially recovered highlights in PrPRO (yellow and pink) also have it in Resolve (pink) -- though it's much less extreme in Resolve....
View Articlehow do I upgrade to Creative cloud 2014?
how do I upgrade to Creative cloud 2014? or does it happen automatically?
View ArticleRe: I'm having problems activating Adobe CS 3?
What OS? You will not likely to get CS3 working on a 64 bit version of Windows 8.1 or OS X.9.
View ArticleRe: Hello Adobe, I need to intall Creative Cloud in a second computer, but it...
Thank you for your time, I tried listed in the post, but nothing work, trial mode still on. I even uninstalled all adobe software and started from scratch and Cloud still flags the computer as "trial...
View ArticleRe: How do I re-download Creative Cloud apps?
This sounds perfect! Can you assist me in how to get to "/applications/utilities/adobe installers/"? Thanks.
View Articlecrash
Using Red Giant Looks on a clip and trying to copy and paste causes the whole program to crash..when will someone fix this..this program is almost impossible to use
View ArticleMy computer crashed and I had to purchase another one, I can't find my disk...
I can't find my Adobe 9 disk but have the key, how can I get the program reloaded?
View Articlebc forms without e-mail field
how do i make a form that doesn't require the email field? can anyone help?
View ArticleI have an CS2 version of Photoshop on an old computer that got hit by...
How can I use a CS2 version of photoshop on a new computer after my old computer got hit by lightening?
View ArticleIn Adobe Muse, how do I link a web address on a browser to a link that sends...
For example an address in google maps to the actual google Maps app?or even a facebook page (instead of opening on the web browser it may open on the app)Thank you
View ArticleRe: How do I revert back to CS56 from CC?
Hi Geedc1, Yes you will have to uninstall the Creative Cloud products individually. You can follow the article: Creative Cloud Help | Install, update, or uninstall apps which will help you to do so....
View ArticleRe: error when updating indesign to 7.5
Metromart it means that the update you downloaded is corrupted. Please see Error downloading Creative Cloud applications - for...
View ArticleRe: Recovered .lrcat
That's good to know. I'll try an earlier back up and let you know how I get on. Thank you for your help.
View ArticleRe: div id menucontainer
Good luck. The page is a rat's nest of code, but you should be able to step your way through it. The biggest problem will be trying to work out the logic in those nasty popup menus. We may be able to...
View ArticleHow do I tell lightroom 5 to use a catalog that's been moved onto a different...
I have moved the whole of My Pictures folder (including my Lightroom Catalog), which was previously located on my Windows 7 (64bit) C:drive, onto another disk (F:) and now I need to update Lightroom so...
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