Creating a Classified website using Business Catalyst
Hello, I am wanting to create a Classified website similar to At present i am doing some research on the best system to use and wondered if this could be created using Muse and...
View ArticleRe: When will the issue with the iPhone app be fixed, it's been a week????
We are still working with Apple to resolve this issue. I'm really sorry for the delay.Please refer to the post below for updates on the revel installation issue:Adobe Revel 2.3.2 installation issue
View ArticleRe: Printable brush chart. Is there a PDF that I can print
You could load each brush and click once with them in turn, and save that as a PDF.
View Articlelightroom mobile syncing is super slow and stop for no reason. cannot resume...
lightroom mobile syncing is super slow and stop for no reason. cannot resume syncing. no idea with the progress of syncing. cannot sync the original file from mobile into desktop. stuck and cannot...
View ArticleRe: straighten horizon in raw
There is a Photoshop RAW and a Camera RAW !I'm following the exact steps which I forgot and which silkrooster suggested ?
View Articlemy creative cloud wont update
my creative cloud won't update, it just stays at 2% and wont continue from there.
View ArticleRe: Can I purchase a legitimate version of After Effects 5.5 for a Mac Pro...
The problem is with the hardware specs that is required with CS6 & CC. I would need to upgrade my graphic card to one that is supported (the old version just required Open GL 2.0)
View ArticleRe: Green Screen alternative?
Unlikely, the room is quite small and something will be off, basically what I want to do is to edit out the camera from the background which is outside the door frame
View ArticleCan I create a muse web site for someone else and allow them to make edits to...
Can I create a muse web site for someone else and allow them to make edits to site. Example to update gigs for a musician web site.
View ArticleRe: What are the best Catalog Settings for long term use?
Performance issues generally are not related to the catalog. If you are having performance problems there is something else wrong. Generally speaking I think it is commonly thought that one catalog the...
View ArticleRe: Consistent Problems with Corrupt Files
'%PDF' is not in the name of the document, but inside the source of the PDF. What means you "cannot open" it with a text editor? Still, what is your operating system?
View ArticleRe: .htaccess
Hello .htaccess files are a low-ish level file only found in apache web servers. Business Catalyst is not a web server - it is a seamless content management system with it's own serving technology, so...
View Articleinstalled LR5.5 and still not accepting Nikon DF files
Once again, and thanks for all that have helped me before! I installed LR5.5 because of the new Nikon DF that i just got. I am ready to import my files and i can now see preview image of my photos...
View ArticleRe: Swivel/Hanging text animation?
Thanks everyone! I thought of doing what Rick gerard did but I'd love to fiddle around more with the other suggestions. Thanks everybody!
View ArticleRe: Illustrator CC 2014 interface size too big.
Hi Becck, The menu size is controlled by OS display scale settings. If you change the display scale setting to your desired scale settings it should oblige. It should be same for all applications....
View ArticleRe: cannot merge changes with bc
The same problem exists when uploading to FTP host. The site does not sync properly. As it was mentioned above, it goes to Sync Complete without review and without updating. In my case it gave me a...
View ArticleRe: [Photoshop CC 2014] New smart guides slow everything down
Hi Justin,Could you send us your file so that we can test in house? Thanks for your help in advance.
View ArticleRe: Install error 502
Hi Jeff,Yes I am on a managed network.I have completely uninstalled all Adobe software and run the CC cleaner tool. I am just waiting on the correct version (Win 7 64 bit Enterprise) of the creative...
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