We are running Mac OS 10.13.6.
With the latest update of Premiere Pro, we are seeing this when we launch the software.
When I click the link for info about this, I see the following:
So this shows the requirement of 10.13.6, and provides download links at nVidia. When I click the link for the Display driver, it sends me to this:
Again, it shows 10.13.6 as the requirement, and provides the Mac installer package. However, when I then run this installer, I get this message:
So then I try to go to the main nVidia site and do a search for driver updates, but it does not list Mac OS as an option at all:
So...what the heck am I supposed to do now? Any information about how to get this driver updated so that I can use Premiere without it crashing would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!