Error while Connecting S3 Account while Winscp
HI Team, We have got our S3 account setup for AAM, and when we tried to access the bucket we were not able to make it. We are getting an error called "Could not resolve hostname...
View ArticleRe: Conflit entre famille de police. ID v 14.02.
Après le remplacement de la famille de police et sa tailleà plusieurs reprise, j'ai remarqué que rien ne changeje ne comprends pas. Remplacement de la police dans le style de paragraphe ? Donc plus de...
View ArticleConflicts with Adobe/nVidia driver update info..??
We are running Mac OS 10.13.6. With the latest update of Premiere Pro, we are seeing this when we launch the software. When I click the link for info about this, I see the following: So this shows...
View ArticleRe: Running CF in distributed mode with IIS inside Docker Container
In that case, I'd consider using IIS to reverse proxy requests to your CF Docker instance which itself would be running the built-in web server. This would reduce dependencies like file systems needing...
View ArticleAdobe Reader Opening Delayed
I am having serious issues with adobe reader DC 19.012.20035 opening 20-60min after clicking a pdf to open. I have tried the uninstall reinstall, set my bProtectedMode registry key from 1 to 0 but it...
View ArticleRe: Why does not the script work
In order to do it you will need to edit the XML code of the metadata property.My suggestion is to print out this string before applying these properties, and then after, and comparing them. That will...
View ArticleRe: Problemas con Acrobat y fuentes
Federico:La fuente que me da problema es Helvética, he bajado muchas y sigo con el mismo problema.Te agradezco tu ayuda.Hernán Soto
View ArticleRe: Can't submit an update on play store (64 bit requirement)
Yeah Apple is a nightmare. I'm waiting for three month that they solved a problem with the APNs Authentication Key that can be generated. They always reply very politely that they investigating but no...
View ArticleRe: Tools get stuck on move tool
On a macbook with a wireless keyboard and a wacom as well - happens to me, too. For some unknown reason turning bluetooth off and then back on seems to solve it for me.
View ArticleRe: Deploy Adobe Creative Cloud Application
I know this post is coming up on a year old, but I ran into this issue as well. To silently install Adobe CC without having to use the Package Tool and get rid of the sign-in window, you can do the...
View ArticleRe: Bridge CC 2019 changing "Date Created" file property
I have this problem too, after updating to CC 2019. About 10 years of my weekly cartoon psd files all got their modified date changed to the same day. The date created is still accurate, but I often...
View ArticleRe: Jonction d'un point vecteur à partir d'une forme double la dite forme...
The past issues should be here:
View ArticleError al obtener licencia E_AUTH_BAD_DEVICE_KEY_OR_PKCS12
Al intentar descargar un libro comprado en una libreria me sale el siguiente error: NO SE PUEDE DESCARGAR. Error al obtener la licencia. Problema de comunicción con el servidor de licencias:...
View ArticleRe: Resizing a shape that has the roughen effect
OK thanks. Will keep that in mind, seems good so far.
View ArticleRe: Catalog
rikkep43395372 wrote No I have not downloaded any trials. I don’t think K ever have and if I should have done it then it would be a very long time ago.The evidence you are providing indicates you did...
View ArticleRe: Strange problem with distiller font error
Hi again Dov Isaacs, Just got another message from this user that they are having similar issues again. Wondering if you'd mind taking a look at this and providing some advice? Would love to find a...
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