Re: Acrobat XI Pro and .zip files - how to open?
Neither of these applications can handle zip files, but modern operating systems can. Just double-click it and it should open and reveal its contents, which you could then unpack to some folder.
View ArticleRe: Tengo instalado photoshop cc en versión prueba, pero no me atrevo a...
Hola Hans-Gunter, sí, me refería a 16GM RAM. Ahora ya no me dice que no tengo suficiente memoria RAM, simplemente que la operación no ha podido completarse. Cierro el programa, vuelvo a encenderlo y...
View ArticleRe: Unable to access ExportPDF
Hi Sarah, I have followed your instructions. I can access my files from the Files tab at www. cloud However when I click on a file then click on Export PDF Tab all I see is “SUBSCRIBE...
View ArticleRe: How do I make consecutive question and answer pages auto-numbered in...
I don't know how large the page count is in queen victoria too's book, but two pages per document seems like a bad workflow to me. Maybe if the page count were low, but even a relatively-low page count...
View ArticleRe: Problem mit der parallelen Nutzung von AI CS5 und CS6
Hast Du in beiden Fällen die selbe Auflösung gewählt und ist in beiden Dokumenten die Dokumentrasterauflösung identisch?Sind beide AI-Dateien RGB?Verwendest Du Transparenz- oder Photoshop-Effekte?Sind...
View ArticleRe: DVD Copy Protection
ATR, I haven't had any problems. I patched the ISO image after exporting and burned this to disc. BZL
View ArticleRe: Image position the same? Image size the same?
osgood_ wrote: Herbert2001 wrote: I agree with Nancy and Jon - you can automate it easily in Photoshop and other tools. It takes a couple of extra minutes Only if you require no cropping of the images....
View ArticleRe: How to uninstall and reinstall Adobe InDesign CS5?
Please share your workaround for others who will read this thread in the future.
View ArticleRe: LR5 - Linking missing photos doesn't work
Isn't this a problem with Mac 10.9.3? I think it is resolved by a Mac (iTunes) update. Or is there a problem caused by the grave accent? Do the problem files all have accents?
View ArticleRe: IndCS6 packaged doc with missing source link
Is there something on the pasteboard or a hidden layer? The package command does not include hidden or off-page content in the package.
View ArticleRe: i Can't seem to download the trial of PS?
Without proper technical info like system specs, what browser you use and so on nobody can say anything. Mylenium
Hi, guys, I was asked to post the code. The site is: The code is below. Thanks <!--[if lt IE 7]> <html class="ie6 oldie"> <![endif]--><!--[if IE 7]> <html...
View Articleauto log off
When i doing some work at illustrator CS6 , suddenly will auto log off . How can i settle this problem ?
View ArticleRe: Auto create paragraph styles and properties
Hi Chinna How to code Paragraph style Options all properties. Example: appliedFont = "Arial";pointSize = 12;leading = 15;tracking = 100spaceAbove = "10mm";spaceBelow = "10mm"; etc..... ThanksASHRAM
View ArticleRe: scripting in CS5
In Photoshop it appears that you must run one script at a time from the file menu. ID uses a panel that can remain open so it's easier to run multiple scripts.
View ArticleRe: Printing actual size on custom size paper on OSX 10.9
I have the exact same problem, please let me know if you come across a solution for this and i will do same for you. My PDF"s print to the correct size when printing using preview, so this is my...
View ArticleRe: How do I make consecutive question and answer pages auto-numbered in...
When several documents are bundled in one book, then it is not a bad workflow. Why should it be. There is not even one disadvantage. Only if you see several documents as disadvantage. But they are...
View ArticleRe: IndCS6 packaged doc with missing source link
But this should be visible at least in the link panel.
View ArticleRe: 64/16/double bit Adjustment layers?
Not sure what you are getting at. Even 16bit color space isn't unlimited and depending on how discrete values overlap/ coincide quantization can occur. Only working in 32bit can further expand that...
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