make light pixels transparent
Hi, I"m taking a logo PNG file and darkening the pixels around the edges (via contrast) of black text. But now that I have more contrast, I want to take the remaining light pixels and make them...
View ArticleRe: Photoshop CC and CC 2014 Abnormally Slow
Press and hold Control - Shift - Alt simultaneously (or Command - Shift - Option if on a Mac) immediately upon cold-starting Photoshop. If you get the keys down quickly enough - and you have to be...
View ArticleRe: Uploading a video to Revel - Upload Incomplete
Is the issue happening for you for videos only?Yes. Only videos Does any of the uploaded images also seem unavailable when viewed on All of the images are fine. Please click on the...
View ArticleNew install of Premiere Pro CC on Mac OS X 10.9 crashing at splash screen! Help.
Just installed Premiere Pro CC on Mac OS X 10.9.4 on a Mac Mini 2.4ghz with 8gbs of memory --- and it won't open. It keeps crashing at the splash screen. Already have and use Adobe CS6 Design/Web...
View Articlewhy is the filter gallery greyed out in cs6 student teacher edition
I have the teacher student edition of cs6 and can not access filter gallery and thus can not find artistic filter I used to have the full edition cs4 and did have artistic brushes and filter gallery...
View ArticleRe: been charged and no serial number for my products
thanx johnbut I already unistalled and re-installed the applications and still, the only way I can use them is as trailwhat worries me is that on the plans & products section i cannot see my...
View ArticleRe: i can not download the latest version of the shockplayer for some reason.
The current version of the full installer for windows is always at this link
View ArticleRe: i need help understanding the issues on why i can not download the latest...
See my response to your other question
View ArticlePhotoshop CC not sensing pen pressure on tablet?
I'm currently using a Huion W58 tablet. The shape dynamic box is checked but it's still not working. I've tried re installing both Photoshop and the drivers. I can't seem to find what the problem is....
View ArticleRe: How do I view the source and destination folders when an import is in...
MiriU wrote: But I need to know the 'source and path' of where the file was imported from. So I can copy them back.Ah.. - unfortunately, I don't think Lightroom records the original source path....
View ArticleRe: How to change the way images appear in elements?
Limsleia I have developed a workflow for you to consider for the photos animation that you have described. I should have a sample posted as a YouTube 1920 x 1080 video in a few hours or, more likely,...
View ArticleRe: 緊急!
皆様 ご不便おかけし申し訳ございません。 本現象につきましては不具合の可能性があると認識し現在も継続して調査・検証を行っております。 本現象に関しての追加情報が確認でき次第随時ご報告させていただきます。...
View ArticleRe: what is the difference between msi installer and EXE installer for...
They both install the same thing. Use Google for a general explanation of MSI technology
View ArticleRe: How do I set up photoshop to work with a touch screen?
Hi, I just recently started struggling with this problem, and I think I found the solution for you! This isn't really Photoshop giving you problems, more like windows trying to be too helpful without...
View ArticleCode Problems
I am trying to create a custom calculation script that takes the results of two fields as strings and prints the two strings together with additional text. I have Adobe XI Pro.This is what I have...
View Articlewrap toc book-component in toc via estk
Hi All,I am trying to wrap a new toc book-component in the toc element via extendscript code and finding that the WrapElement function fails, as do fcodes. Is this a bug or not implemented or am I...
View ArticleRe: Premiere CC crashing when MP4 files in timeline?
Where did these files come from? I have not had any problems with the mp4 files that we have in our Premiere Pro BenchMark (PPBM) you could download it and try the files that are in it. Have you...
View Articleexporting to pdf and loosing part of file
Hi all, I have a large banner design I have made up in IndesignCC, it measures 5400mmx800mmWhen I export the file as a PDF, it appears to crop the file down width wise, almost like acrobat is slightly...
View ArticleRe: List of reference names for executeCommand();
Here's a couple other commands. (tested with After Effects CC)The most recent Undo: 16The most recent Redo: 2035(These don't seem to matter what the exact name of the undo/redo command are, they just...
View ArticleRe: Photoshop CC and CC 2014 Abnormally Slow
psurace99 wrote: Ok so resetting the Photoshop preferences? I have to say the last time I did this was on a Mac in 2001 and all you did was delete a folder. How do I do that on Windows? Never had...
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