Re: where have the options gone for the photoshop smudge tool?
Thanks Chris,the 'sample all layers 'seems to not be there. My CC smudge tool samples all layers all the time. How do I select the current layer only? CS5: and CC 2014
View ArticleRe: フォームで送られてくるメールが文字化け
Adobe Museをご利用いただきありがとうございます。 こちらのサイトはMuseのFTP機能を使ってアップロードしたものでしょうか?あるいは、HTMLへ書き出してから他のFTPソフトでアップロードしたものですか? もうひとつ、オプションのフォーム名に1バイト文字以外を使っていませんか(全角英数など)? FTPソフトによっては文字コードが変換されるものがあります。ご確認ください。...
View ArticleRe: Select All (but only on page not pasteboard)
Thank you so very much Chinna, very grateful Les
View Articleサブスクリプションを更新
サブスクリプションを更新すると、引き続き製品を使用できます。 というメッセージがでて、アプリのしようができません。 どうすれば良いですか? よろしくお願いします。
View ArticleRe: Interior Design Template slider problem
I could really use some help with this BCGurus' template: Interior Design. I put in a help ticket but they have a 24 turn around - which is great until you have a live site that went haywire and...
View ArticleRe: Setting Adobe Reader 9 as default PDF reader for IE7
This 6½ year old topic is now locked. (Ok, 5½ years.)
View ArticleHow do I uninstall a CC application?
I have Windows 8.1There are a few apps that ran out of trial days, like Flash CC and After Effects, and I would like to uninstall them to save space. There doesn't seem to be a way for me to uninstall...
View ArticleWhy can't I see my Dropbox files in the Open file window on my Samsung Galaxy...
When I try to open a file from Dropbox; it does not show up in the selection list. I have to down load the file to my tablet first. Then I can see it to open. (Pain in the butt). Is there a way to...
View ArticleRe: Monitor a folder, run Dr Brown's "Image Processor Pro" script, and move...
timlogochair wrote: Basically want to be able to drop very large image files into a folder, have them processed automatically (make several sizes/copies), and then archive the original. Dr Brown's...
View ArticleRe: Green screen when playing videos
Your link is broken; do you mean ?
View ArticleWindows 8: Flash File doesn't seem to be doing anything......?
I was trying to make a game work on my laptop and I looked online for help. A site said to uninstall Flash from my Programs and Features menu in the control panel and I did so probably a bit too...
View Article"Edit with Photoshop" problem...
I can no longer effect the "Edit with Photshop CC (2014) command on my laptop. When I click to Edit with PS, it does launch PS but nothing happens. I does NOT launch the dialog box that gives you the...
View ArticleEpson R1900 dark prints from CS5
I had Photoshop 7.0 on my PC and printed to an Epson Stylus Photo R1900 with great results.I purchased a MacBook Pro and tried printing some of the same art prints (transferred via hard drive) using...
View ArticleMac OS X Lion ejects Adobe CS4 discs?
Mac OS X 10.7.5 Lion ejects Adobe CS4 discs, no problem with any other discs, cds, dvds etc. only ejects Adobe discs...
View ArticleRe: how do I convert CS6 Design Standard Apps to CC Apps?
You don't "convert" CS6 apps to CC apps. If you have a trial or a subscription to CC, you just download the apps. Do you have a trial or a subscription?
View ArticleRe: How to restrict access, require registration and password for some web...
Thanks for the reply, I want to know how to do both, thanks for a starting clue. I have been inactive for several years due to health issues, I used to build webpages in MS Front Page. Dream Weaver has...
View ArticleRe: how i can install my produtc
It is best to wait for a reply before marking your post answer, or you may not get any help as everyone will assume you figured it out. You need to log into Click Download...
View ArticleCC 2014 error
Installed program on windows 7 64 bit. Program opens and shuts down says windows will notify me of solution, Graphics driver is current, Uninstalled and reinstalled, still same issue.
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