Re: Re: [CC/Mac, JS] Palette looses layoutWindow focus when double clicking...
Thanks for your suggestions, Uwe! More or less accidentally I found out, that if InDesign’s notes panel (which is accessible from the standard UI) is _not_ active (not showing), the script which...
View ArticleAcrobat Mouse Issues, OSC Mavericks
Hello. I have CC installed with the latest version of acrobat. When a file is open moving the mouse around results in it flicker over the screen, and when trying to select say t he close button or a...
View ArticleHow to transfer CS3 standard from OSX 10.4 to 10.8 on another laptop without...
Can someone help me ?My old laptop works with 0SX 10.4.11 and the cd reader is out of order. How can I desactivate my CS3 on this laptop and download a CS3 version and activate it with my serial number...
View ArticleRe: why my adobe account keep log out
win2014年6月6日 上午1:17于 "*V" <>写道: why my adobe account keep log out created by *V<*V> in Photoshop Elements - View thefull...
View ArticleRe: Saving and loading of values on a 3rd party plugin's arbitrary data...
it's actually simpler.just use GetNewStreamValue(), and you'll get a handle to the data chunk.just copy that bit of data. you can get the handle size with the handle ormemory suites. (i don't remember...
View ArticleRe: project archiver error
What are the pixel dimensions of the photos that you are using in that Time Lapse Timeline? 2886x2164 Were any resized to 1920 x 1080 prior to import? no resize - I use the zoom effect. Are the...
View ArticleSend Now missing file
I am trying to locate a file in my SENT FILES which shows it expired after 7 days - how can I retrieve it?
View ArticleRe: Perfect Curve in illustrator
This is the Photoshop forum, not the Illustrator forum. Look for the Illustrator forum in the forums index:
View ArticleRe: Photoshop cc
Je confirme, j'ai le même souci depuis quelques jours et c'est juste insupportable. Mes fichiers ne sont pas plus gros que d'habitude, je n'ouvre pas plus d'applications que d'habitude et je n'ai rien...
View ArticleMuse Website Favicon
Hi, Basically I've added a favicon to a website I'm making for a customer. The icon I'm using shows in the tab part but it isn't showing in the part where the URL is. Any ideas how to solve this?? Thanks
View ArticleRe: Re: Re: [CC/Mac, JS] Palette looses layoutWindow focus when double...
@Tobias – hm, would it help to deactivate/activate the Notes Panel?It's just a plain panel, that you can get by its name and set visibility to true or false. Did not try that yet with your code. For a...
View ArticleRe: Installing creative cloud on two devices
If i install on a laptop and a desktop and at a later stage upgrade to a new laptop can i transfer to the new one or would that have already used my two installations Thanks in advance
View ArticleRe: How do I change the logo/artwork size with a file?
Hi Jacob, I have managed to do this! Thank you very much! I wanted to ask you a quick question - my colleague is wanting the file size to come up as 100 pixels Height x 100 pixel Width on Photoshop. Do...
View Articleотказаться от плана
Привет, захотел отказаться от помесячного плана, а нужная кнопка в окне интерфейса не отображается! Кто-нибудь знает как отказаться можно?
View ArticleRe: How do I use 3d motion vector with Timewarp effect
Hi Mylenium. I apologise for creating a question that appears to make no sense. Although your assuming I have not considered RSMB I can assure you that it was the most obvious choice to take, but is...
View ArticleRe: Recreating Dreamweaver CS6 configuration leaves non functional extension
Please delete all files from "C:\Users\<YourUserName>\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\Extension Manager CS6\EM Store\Dreamweaver CS6", "C:\Users\<YourUserName>\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\Extension Manager...
View ArticleImporting raw from Nikon Df possible??
I have the new Nikon Df camera, am I correct that I cannot import the raw files into Lightroom? If so, will there be an update that does include this new camera? any help or insight greatly...
View ArticleProblems with the API method navigateToTime
The API method navigateToTime only works for me in swf, not in HTML5. Is this a bug?
View ArticleJe n'arrive pas à mettre à jour PS6 EXTENDED et lorsque je me connecte pour...
Comment faire pour mettre à jour PS6 extended ainsi que camera raw?
View ArticleRe: Not printing due to hidden images
Arnis Gubins wrote: Which version of FM, how are you creating the PDF (SaveAsPDF or printing to the AdobePDF printer instance or printing to file and distilling or... ?), and is this a an Anchored...
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