Lightroom 5 does not export my adjustments when editing in Photoshop 6,...
I am a Mac user and I started to experience that my Lightroom 5 would no longer send the adjustments I have made to photoshop 6 even though I have selected the option for it do to so. I have searched...
View ArticleRe: Extensions Panel greyed out in Photoshop CC on a Mac. Can't open Mini Bridge
Are you sure you have Extension Manager CC downloaded and installed? Earlier versions like CS6 will not work with Photoshop CC. Gene
View ArticleRe: Snow Leopard 10.6.8 and Creative Cloud.
I am sorry Jmiller1096 but the computer will need to meet or exceed the system requirements for Premiere or After Effects in order to install. This includes running Mac OS 10.8 or later as well as...
View ArticleRe: How do i change the language of my widgets from spanish to english? I...
Hyperlinks, Edit Link Styles, and while being in [Default Link Style] you have below Language setting. You set any language in the world that fits your site.
View ArticleRe: when installing cc desktop app installation fails with error code 1
Signals7 please try the steps listed in Error "Failed to Install" Creative Cloud Desktop application - to install the...
View ArticleRe: Can't install Photoshop CC 2014 update?
Creative Cloud chat support (all Creative Cloud customer service issues)
View ArticleRe: How can I edit lightroom 5 smart previews on mac book pro (mbp) when the...
Your internal HDD. by default, is named 'Macintosh HD'. From what information you supplied, it looks like there is already a Lightroom catalog installed on you local (internal) HDD using the standard...
View ArticleRe: Photo books
I understand that the images for a book have to be imported into Lightroom my question is do I have to use the outline for a photo book as provided in Lightroom or can I use the book form from Picabo...
View ArticlePDF Print Security in Firefox
I have disabled printing in several PDFs file. I am still able to print the file when I open in the Firefox browser however.It doesn't appear to print in any other browsers tested. How can I prevent...
View ArticleAdobe Captivate 6 Missing Audio Folder
I recorded audio to my Adobe Captivate 6 project, slide by slide. I can see the audio on the bottom of the Timeline. When I right click on the audio, it shows on the upper screen of the Library tab on...
View ArticleQuiero instalar LR en un disco nuevo que acabo de instalar en mi computadora...
Me suscribí hace varios meses al plan de fotografía (Photoshop CC + Lightroom). Este último yo ya lo tenía funcionando en mi máquina de antes y cuando me suscribí todo siguió igual, como si no hubiese...
View ArticleRe: My canon 7D won,t import raws.
This is not a problem with LR not recognizing the files as much as the OS not having a way to show LR the files, so installing the codecs can help the OS show LR the files, because the camera is being...
View ArticleColor Guide minor interface update
I found a really minor but disrupting and inconsistent glitch in the Color Guide panel.Here is the help file excerpt and read it carefully (Illustrator Help | Color groups (harmonies))Show Tints/Shades...
View ArticleParallax scrolling site incorperating a blog.
Anyone seen a good parallax scrolling site incorporating a blog. IE does the blog go to a new page wordpress site or what?
View Articlehow to add a picture to a layer with a mask ?
how to add a picture to a layer with a mask ? I am using a flyer template and not good in photoshop, I just need to insert a photo into a layer with a mask what is the easiest way to do it ? Thank you
View ArticleTransferred CS3 Premium from mac book pro to 2014 iMac using migration...
Using migration assistant I transferred the Adobe CS3 Premium to my new 2014 iMac. It is listed in applications but when I go to open it only Bridge opens, the others have a notice that cannot open...
View Articlephotoshop cc startet nicht mehr, bleibt bei Anmeldung hängen
Hallo, ich musste heute nach einem Absturz meinen Rehner (Win7) zurücksetzten. DanachfunktioniertePhotoshopCCnichtmehr. Also deinstalliert, neugestartet und neuinstalliert. Jetzt kommt nach dem...
View ArticleRe: Can you import pictures in to illustrator?
Yes, you can. File > Place > select the file and click Place Illustrator CC allows you to select and place more than 1 file. All preceding versions support only a single file at the time.
View ArticleRe: Cuando se solucionarán los problemas de compatibilidad de photoshop cc...
ES posible que sea necesario que Wacom actualice el driver para las tabletas.DE todas maneras que version o fecha es el que estas utilizando?
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