Re: Making/Finding a decent free poll script
The database information is on my remote server, the data is also at local level.
View ArticleRe: Creative Cloud Desktop serious program failure
Thank you for your answer,this didn't work either... This application starts fu****** me up to be honest. Isn't there an other way to get to a test version and buy a subscription?I will now try to...
View ArticlePaid for something, don't have any feature access, though.
I remember paying for something when I created my Adobe ID. Fast forward to now and I need to combine multiple files into a single PDF, but Adobe is prompting me to pay for a PDF pack that is about the...
View ArticleRe: Premiere Pro CC 2014 renders are painfully slow.
Hi JT,We're working with our partners at Apple on this one. Hope we can get a fix in soon. Thanks,Kevin
View ArticleRe: Re: CS4 InDesign a few lines freeze
For lurkers, John sent me the file and it turned out it had a few empty threaded frames stacked on top of the one with the text.
View ArticleAfter installing new display drivers, greys have turned beige!
Hi there, I'm using PS CS5, and after recently installing new display drivers, I opened PS and got a message saying something like "mismatched colour profiles from recent screen recalibration" (I don't...
View ArticleI have the desktop version of adobe after effects CS6. Is there a way that I...
Would I have to pay or do I upgrade for free?
View ArticleRe: problems by shadow for my Text
If you want a shadow on text you have to do as mac_heibu says, use a system font. If you want a shadow on the text frame you have to add a stroke. (Ihr müssen Strich auf den Textrahmen aktivieren). Es...
View ArticleAuto-Save Not Working
Since the Premiere Pro CC 2014 update, the auto-save feature has not been working. The auto-save files marked as one hour ago are actually from 4 hours ago. Premiere still stops me from working (which...
View ArticleRe: Download ONLY PSE 12 Organizer? Please help!
No, sorry, you can't. Adobe doesn't do that. Some people have been able to use the Report a Problem link on the receipt to cajole apple into letting them return it, but lately they seem to have gotten...
View ArticleDynamically auto-center text fields?
Hello all, I have an interesting dilemma. I am attempting to create a business card form when our office manager only needs to fill in four fields, save the PDF, and send to the printer. With the...
View ArticleRe: InDesign Export to PDF Problem
YoungMac wrote:As for he text touch up, is this what you wanted?No. I want you to select the white boxes and get the properties for that.
View ArticleRe: How to convert PDF to word? WHere is help desk?
<moved from Adobe Creative Cloud to Creating, Editing & Exporting PDFs>
View ArticleRe: Why does the file browser recognize a folder as an empty file?
I think this problem is a function of the server/client architecture that you have built. But are you saying that none of your sites have a local root folder specified? Are you even working from a site...
View ArticleCan not open idml or imdd files?
Hi, first off I apologize but I'm not very computer savvy and to top it of I just got this Mac a few months ago without any iMac knowledge.So I recently downloaded a resume template and all it said was...
View ArticleRe: function call another function variable
little bit, coz I'm the new learner in javascript, I try to put the concept in my script my not work: below is not the full version of my script, coz it to long, so I make it simple, I juz want to...
View ArticleRe: Lightroom 5 hangs on import
I have on occasion he'd that happen too. Just to be sure, you right clicked, or whatever is Mac equivalent, and selected synchronize? I have recently also had issues with LR5.6 corrupting files. There...
View ArticleRe: Project panels tabs get reset to root level at project launch!
This issue actually runs pretty deep. I'm working on two different systems and encounter it daily. At work: Mac Pro 2008 3,1Dual Xeon 4 core processors @ 2.8 GHzOSX 10.9.416GB RAMRadeon 5770 HD 1GB Mac...
View ArticleUnable to Log Into Elements 12
I am unable to log into Elements 12 on Windows. I just get a never ending hourglass. I am unable to use my mobile albums and Revel because of this.
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