Re: Flash Player Continuously Needs To Be Reinstalled
Please don't misunderstand. I fully believe that you're seeing this issue. The problem is that I know we don't see this behavior across the hundreds of machines in our test environments, and we...
View ArticleI purchased Photoshop Elements 12 on April 14 2014. I installed it on a PC...
I purchased Photoshop Elements 12 on April 14 2014. I installed it on a PC that Crashed due to a defective Power Supply and Case. I have finally rebuilt the PC and have my Serial Number. How do I get...
View ArticleBing back the formats in the after effects render queue
whats is youtr problem adobe ???bring back the formats in the render queue !!!!we dont like the media encoder !!!!not I but many other users !!!U behave like the Apple idiots JUST DO IT !!! best...
View Article¿Cómo cambio el idioma de iIlustrator CC de español a inglés?
como cambiar el idioma del APP
View ArticleRe: Flash Player Continuously Needs To Be Reinstalled
We crossed posts, those links are exactly what I'm looking for. If you have a bunch, can you give me a few? I'd like to see if it's consistent, or if it's crashing all over the place.
View ArticleRe: Premiere Elements 12 - My videos have extra minutes of black space added...
born What computer operating system is your Premiere Elements 12 running on? Be sure to update 12 to 12.1 via a project's Help Menu/Update. Background information. For now I will assume Windows 7, 8,...
View Articlecmd-~ not cycling windows Illustrator CS6 Mac
Mac Air 10.9.4, Illustrator CS6 Since I upgraded to a laptop I have not been able to get the 'cycle windows' within Illustrator to work (cmd - ~). Doesn't seem to matter if settings are set to tabs or...
View ArticleRe: Bing back the formats in the after effects render queue
Hi Wolfgang,This has all been explained in the following blog post: using Adobe Media Encoder to create H.264, MPEG-2, and WMV videos from After Effects | After Effects region of interes…Very sorry if...
View ArticleRe: illustrator cs5 プリントできない【windows7】
まったく同じです! 急に症状が出たのでアドビやプリンタ、PCのカスタマ、心当たりにすべて問合せてみましたがやはりwindowsの13日のアップデート以降に不具合が出始めているらしいことがわかりました。 ちなみにプリンタはリコーなのですが、当面の処置としてはプリントを行う際に印刷設定で「ベクター」ではなく「ラスター」にすると印刷可能ということで、試してみると一応印刷できました。...
View ArticleRe: Lightroom 5 hangs on import
gegjr wrote: I have on occasion he'd that happen too. Just to be sure, you right clicked, or whatever is Mac equivalent, and selected synchronize? I have recently also had issues with LR5.6 corrupting...
View ArticleRe: ¿Cómo cambio el idioma de iIlustrator CC de español a inglés? and l
View ArticleRe: How do I reteive lost right panel in expert mode of element 11
Sorry Bob, I didn't express the problem properly. I have an open pane but it is not populated with icons. At the bottom of the pane are icons for layers, effects, graphics, favorites, and more. How do...
View ArticleLoading photos from one computer to another.
I loaded Lightroom 4 on my iMac and have always used this Mac for working with LR photos . I also loaded LR4 on my MacBook Pro. I will be traveling to England and will only have use of my MacBook Pro...
View ArticleRe: Can not open idml or imdd files?
You downloaded the wrong InDesign. ID Server is an automation tool with no user interface. You need the regular version of InDesign.
View ArticleRe: 時間表示を追加
lloco320さん 情報ありがとうございました。確認が遅くなり、申し訳ありませんでした。 やはり、PremiereElementsだけでは無理なんですね。 今後の機能追加に期待したいですね。
View ArticleRe: Installed Acrobat Pro 9 - requires password to open any PDF & botches...
It sounds like an install/permissions problem. You can try to fix permissions and see if that helps. If not uninstall, remove all traces of Acrobat from the system, then try to re-install. Acrobat 9 is...
View ArticleRe: Bing back the formats in the after effects render queue
I know the blog post! 1.) Media Encoder is not user friendly2.) Media Encoder is slower and does not handly comp resolution correctly3.) Its time consuming to handly two windows4.) 10 years of good...
View ArticleRe: Photoshop keeps closing down
Windows 8.1 and I am fully updated. Windows updates, driver updates, I even updated the BIOS in my MB last month. The version of Photoshop is the latest Creative Cloud update.
View ArticleRe: Dynamically auto-center text fields?
How about using a single test field that's centered and prompting the user (app.response or custom dialog) for the values that would normally go in the Name and Title field, and include the pipe...
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