Probleme lors de l'edition d'une page html
Bonjour, J'aimerais animer une page hmtl dans animate, mais lors de l'ouverture du fichier, animate ne conserve pas la mise en page initiale et ne trouve pas l'ensemble des éléments.. je suis un peu...
View ArticleRe: I'm trying to cancel my CC annual subscription but this stupid website...
Hello, I used this on purpose! See by clicking >>> Cancel an annual membership (individual or team) If you cancel within the first month, you receive a full refund. Otherwise, you are billed...
View ArticleRe: Turn on/off background audio on a slide
Jay, The option will appear in the Options tab for the slide, when you insert another audio clip. Bit more limited IMO, because you can play audio also from an advanced action or as an audio object. I...
View ArticleRe: Interactive form. Upload PDF/JPEG but save PDF as normal not interactive...
Great Gilad! Goodmorning. Ok, so I have another question and hopefully the last one. I have "text fields" in the form.For example a field called : enter your name What I want is that "enter your name"...
View ArticleRe: Cannot sign into Adobe Photoshop Elements 10 - no access to online...
Adobe now has Adobe Revel as its online offering. This is not a direct replacement for, but versions 11 and 12 integrate with it. Or you can stick with v10 and manually upload your photos...
View ArticleRe: How do I update photoshop CC camera raw to 8.4?
The CC updater is a little bit erratic still. On one of my two systems I have the same as you, Photoshop doesn't see updates and just reports "up to date" through CC. But if I go through Help >...
View ArticleRe: Photoshop-Cloud-Abo weiternutzen nach Neuinstallation Betriebssystem?
Ich bin genau so vorgegangen und Photoshop lässt sich ganz normal auf meinem PC nutzen.Es erscheint auch kein Hinweis beim Öffnen des Programmes, dass es sich um eine Testversion handelt.Anscheinend...
View ArticleRe: Cannot open saved work - "unknown or invalid JPEG"
What version of Photoshop Elements are you using? You specify the format, in the format, box when saving your image. The following is from PSE12: Cheers,--NealeInsanity is hereditary, you get it from...
View ArticleRe: The procedure entry point AMTRetrievePersonGUIDWithAuthSource could not...
No Errors or Fatals in the log file :/
View ArticleRe: adobe elements 9
View ArticleRe: "Page Down" problem in FrameMaker
I finally decided to post something about this today as well - it is still happening in Frame 12, in the year 2014! "Page Down" basically does not work. It's like Adobe are determined to make me use...
View ArticleRe: How do I create a drop box for photos
Hi Clairanya, Please take a look at this post for a similar discussion : Re: How do I make it possible for clients to upload files to my website? Regards,Aish
View ArticleTutorial: How do i click single with window from Air Application?
Hello, dear Sirs and dear Ladies, i have found result that you would like to access one-clidck with window after they window don't open much instance again. I want tell you about Adobe Air Application...
View ArticleRe: Text with black background as you type?
Thanks for the response but I could do with a little more control and I'm on a tight deadline. MK
View ArticleRe: Text with black background as you type?
Will take a look. Thanks for the response. MK
View ArticleRe: I've updated my trial version of muse to a paid version and it still...
Hi, What is your site URL? What membership have you purchased and with what ID? Regards,Aish
View ArticleRe: I'm trying to install CC, and I can't. I have message with ...(Error...
I resolved it by connect to Internet through my VPN, it was network issue...
View ArticleRe: How to delete a idle hook?
Well, I tested it. I removed the socket server and call the AEGP_RegisterIdleHook fucntion from the entry point function, this time after effects doesn't freeze anymore. Does that mean I can't call...
View ArticleAdded plugin folder in preferences, now V12 wont open. Need to open it to...
In the preferences I listed a plugin file situated in My Documents. Now PsE12 trial will not open. Was working fine before. Need to be able to get into programme to change that file to somewhere PsE...
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