Unable to view lines properly
I'm new to AFP CC and having trouble viewing and mark-makings properly. No matter what tool I use, whether it's the pencil, brush, pen, shapes...they ALL end up white with a blue outline. I've tried...
View ArticleExpanding Form Fields in Indesign?
I'm making a 7 page form document on Indesign that has interactive elements, but will also be printable. I'm looking to make text boxes that expand as the typer writes. It doesn't matter if the box...
View ArticleCan I install Incopy on Multiple Computers Without Subscription to Creative...
I'm working on a project that has a lot of text. I'd like to install Incopy on a coworkers computer to facilitate the workflow, or does she have to use Word? Is this a free program, or just included...
View ArticleRe: RENDER PROBLEM - AME and Premiere Pro CC causing random horizontal lines...
Silberfarb wrote: Exports with a wide range of media types result in a crashed system if using GPU acceleration and a new Mac Pro. Two different problems, Ben. The crashing issue and the lines issue...
View ArticleRe: Working with photography
I just presumed the image could export as the artboard shows as the file is set up as a CMYK document. I imagine the image on the artboard is displaying the colours from the linked RGB file. Editing in...
View ArticleRe: Showing 1:1 pixel ratio in InDesign 9.2.2
Since documents in Indesign are not defined in pixels, unless you're working with digital media, it actually doesn't matter if it can show 1:1 pixel ratio. It should be showing an A4 page in 21cm width...
View ArticleRe: GeoLocation update frequenzy
Hi Joergen, Which device you are using to test your content. Is it an Assisted GPS device (Like any 3g, LTE based device).To check the location precisely, I suggest to use an Assisted GPS enabled...
View ArticleRe: illustrations made in illustrator exported to autocad shows wrong...
What file format are you exporting to? Most likely you should be using DXF, so make sure you cages your units from for example the default of point to the units you will be using in Autocad (eg: inches).
View ArticleRe: Encore error messages after interrupting a build
I agree with Ann. Start over before you reinstall. Subtitles has some issues, so I would create several test projects before spending a lot of time. Create a new Encore project and import only one...
View ArticleRe: Dreamweaver CS6 Crashes w/Find Feature
Have you tried clearing the program cache/renaming the personal Config folder as of yet? This will catch all kinds of weird "just started happening" issues... Deleting a corrupted cache file If that...
View ArticleRe: cannot edit my svg now
Thanks , for AI compatability , I presume you tick this box How do I ensure the fonts are embedded in the file too? I am using a none standard font I downloaded
View ArticleRe: My Lightroom 5 file is corrupted.
Really? It does for me. Are you in the develop module?
View ArticleRe: 've got a problem with Adobe Encore, for some reason the default menus,...
I assume you are Encore CS6. You must install the library separately:http://helpx.adobe.com/encore/using/download-library-content.html
View ArticleRe: CF11 services won't restart
Great. can we have some more confirmations.Sir_Meili wrote: I installed the update, remove the firewall rule blocking the IP and the services now start up normally. So, all seems like it is fixed....
View ArticleRe: Timecode Synchronisation in Sequenz
Verstehe das Problem nicht. Clip und Kamera ist ja irgendwie das gleiche, wenn die Aufzeichnung durchgelaufen ist und das packt Premiere ohne Probleme in einen Multicam Masterclip. Also was genau ist...
View ArticleRe: CF11 services won't restart
Where is the download? I don't see it on the normal CF hotfix site....
View Articlehow can I process a raw Sony photo with ARW extension in Elements or Lightroom?
I have a new Sony camera and I like to shoot in raw format. Elements and Lightroom do not appear to recognize the Sony ARW extension. What do I need to download to make this work???
View ArticleRe: How to refresh a dropdownlist
Hi csuebele, Thanks, not only I'm in the wrong forum but I use the wrong fingers. In my script I use a comma not "+" sign. Best regards
View ArticleRe: How to download again after formatting PSElements 11 AND piracy mail...
you're welcome. (and good luck today in brazil!)
View ArticleRe: Trying to convert PDF to word; When I request "convert" I am told "Error...
I just looked at a similar query from jjbotha1962 and followed advice given to her.Also found an email I hadn't picked up directing me to do the conversion online.I tried this, it appeared to convert...
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